Arts and Entertainment
March 4, 2024
From: Denver March PowwowGrand Entry
A magnificent array of color, motion, and sound! “A Living Hoop” the Denver March PowiWow song rendered by HeartBeat drum group begins each Grand Entry. Color guard, royalty, and dancers dressed in full traditional regalia dance into the arena.
Dance Competition
Witness the pageantry and beauty of traditional tribal dances as performed by over 1000 American Indian Dancers. Inspired by time-honored songs, performed by 30+ drum groups, these gifted dancers perform the historical dances of their tribal ancestors.
Tribal Storytelling & Native Author Readings
Storytellers share the legacies, legends and histories of a distinguished and proud people. While in the storyteller’s circle, learn the significance of dance and music in the lives and culture of America’s indigenous people at the top of the hour. Native Author Book Readings at the bottom of the hour.
Arts & Crafts Show
Enjoy the works of Native American craftsmen during the arts and crafts show that is part of the Denver March PowiWow. Nationally-acclaimed artists display their creations that reflect unique function and beauty. This is an opportunity to purchase many one-of-a-kind items.
MARCH 15, 2024
10:00 am - Powwow / Arts and Crafts Open - Dancer and Drum Registration Opens, Story telling (lower foyer Denver Room - top of the hour until 8 p.m.)
Native Author Readings - Bottom of the hour until 7:30 p.m.
10:30 am - Invocation - Doug Good Feather & Drum Roll Call
11:00 am - Grand Entry - DMPW Song "A Living Hoop" begins processional Welcome-Ken LaDeaux, President, DMPW Board of Directors
12:00 pm - Fry Bread Concession Stand Opens
1:00 pm - Intertribal & Contest Dancing–Jr., Teens, Living Treasures (70+); Golden, Age (60-69)–throughout the afternoon to supper break
2:00 pm - Wicaglata Registration Opens
5:00 pm - Supper Break
6:30 pm - Invocation, Royalty Introductions and Drum Roll Call
Welcome - Lennyn Paskemin, 2023 DMPW Princess
7:00 pm - Grand Entry - DMPW Song "A Living Hoop" begins processional
8:00 pm - Welcome
Frybread Concession Stand Closes Intertribal, Wicaglata Contest, and Contest Dancing–Sr. Adults (40-59) and Adults (18-39)–throughout the evening until conclusion
10:30 pm - Powwow Concludes for the night
MARCH 16, 2024
10:00 am - Powwow / Arts and Crafts Open - Drum and Dancer Registration Opens, Story telling - lower foyer Denver Room - top of the hour until 8 p.m.
Native Author Readings - Bottom of the hour until 7:30 p.m.
10:30 am - Invocation, Introduction of Royalty, Drum Roll Call
11:00 am - Grand Entry - DMPW Song "A Living Hoop" begins processional
Welcome - Lennyn Paskemin, 2023 DMPW Princess
12:00 pm - Intertribal and Contest Dancing–Jr., Teen, Golden Age (60-69), Living Treasures (70+) FINALS & Wicaglata Contest–throughout the afternoon
until Supper Break.
Fry Bread Concession Stand Opens
2:00 pm - Dancer, Wicaglata & Drum Registration Closes
Intertribal and Contest Dancing (Cont.)
5:00 pm - Supper Break
6:30 pm - Invocation, Introduction of Royalty, & Drum Roll Call
Welcome - Lennyn Paskemin, 2023 DMPW Princess
7:00 pm - Grand Entry - DMPW Song "A Living Hoop" begins processional
8:00 pm - Intertribal and Contest Dancing– Senior Adults (40-59) FINALS
Adult (18-39) SEMI FINALS–throughout the evening
Wicaglata Concludes (Ties will be run on Sunday)
11:30 pm - Powwow concludes for the night
MARCH 17, 2024
10:00 am - Powwow / Arts and Crafts Open, Storytelling - lower foyer Denver Room - top of the hour until 5 p.m.
Native Author Readings - Bottom of the hour until 4:30 p.m.
10:30 a.m. Invocation, Introduction of Royalty, Drum Roll Call
11:00 a.m. Grand Entry - DMPW Song "A Living Hoop" begins processional
Welcome - Lennyn Paskemin, 2023 DMPW Princess
12:00 pm - Fry Bread Concession Stand Open - Intertribal Dancing, Adults (18-39), FINALS, and Contest Ties Coronation of 2024 Denver March Powwow Princess Denver March Powwow Song "A Living Hoop”
7:00 pm - Fry Bread Concession Stand Closes
Announce Dance Contest Winners
Closing Prayer - Doug Good Feather
8:30 pm - 48th Annual Denver March Powwow Concludes
$7 per day
$20 for 3/day pass
60+ $3 per day
$9 for 3/day pass
6 and under FREE
Date: March 15-17, 2024
Location: Denver Coliseum
4600 Humboldt St Denver, CO 80216
Click Here For More Information