Arts and Entertainment
August 2, 2023
From: Ross County FairFair Schedule:
7:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Market Hogs - Rolling Weigh-in Move-in - Swine Barn
7:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Market Goats - Rolling Weigh-in Move-in - Goat Barn
7:00 AM -12:00 PM: Breeding, Dairy, Pygmy Goats Move-in - Goat Barn
7:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Horses Move-in - Horse Barn
8:30 AM Jr Fair Dog Show - Small Animal Show Arena
10:00 AM Antique Tractor Pull - Grandstand
12:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Entries taken Antique Farm Display - Antique Farm Display Bldg
12:00 PM: - 4:00 PM: Entries taken for Home & Fine Arts - Home Arts Building
1:00 PM: Goat Parent/Exhibitor Meeting - Show Arena
2:00 PM: - 6:30 PM: Horseshoe Competition Entries - Horseshoe Pits
4:00 PM: - 9:00 PM: Market Beef Move-in (Weigh-in 9:30 PM) - Beef Barn
4:00 PM: - 9:00 PM: Beef Breeding, Dairy Cattle Move-In - Beef Barn
4:00 PM: - 9:00 PM: Market Lamb - Rolling Weigh-in Move-in - Sheep Barn
4:00 PM: - 9:00 PM: Breeding Sheep Move-in - Sheep Barn
4:00 PM: - 9:00 PM: Market Rabbits - Rolling Weigh-in by club schedule - Rabbit Barn
4:00 PM: - 9:00 PM: Breeding Rabbits & Fancy Rabbits Move-in by club schedule - Rabbit Barn
4:00 PM: - 9:00 PM: Market Chickens, Non Market Turkey Only - Rolling Weigh-in - Poultry Barn
4:00 PM: - 9:00 PM: Poultry (non-market) & Water Fowl Move-in -Poultry Barn
5:00 PM: Judging for Home & Fine Arts - Home Arts Building
5:00 PM: Judging for Antique Farm Display - Antique Farm Display Bldg
7:00 PM: Kenworth Semi, Truck & Tractor Pulls - Grandstand
7:00 PM: 1st Annual Kick Off Campgrounds Concert - Campgrounds
Jimmy Mowery - Crush Bon Jovi Tribute Band
8:00 PM: Swine Parent/Exhibitor Meeting - Show Arena
8:00 PM: All Jr Fair Exhibits/Booths in place (Non-Livestock)
8:00 PM: Jr Fair Building Closed Until Booth Judging is completed Sunday Morning
9:00 PM: Livestock Showmanship Registration Deadline (Online)
9:15 PM: Beef Parent/Exhibitor Meeting - Show Arena
9:30 PM: Beef Weigh-in
10:00 PM: Sheep Parent/Exhibitor Meeting - Show Arena
8:30 AM Jr Fair Dairy Cattle Showmanship, Then Dairy Cattle Show - Show Arena
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Jr Fair Booth Judging - Jr Fair Building
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Entries taken for Flower Show - Fruit/Veg/Flower/School Bldg
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Entries taken for Farm Products - Fruit/Veg/Flower/School Bldg
9:00 AM Jr Fair Horse Show - Horse Arena
10:00 AM Non-Denominational Church Service-Frankfort Church of Christ - Bandstand
10:00 AM Cavy Show & Showmanship - Small Animal Show Arena
Breeding & Fancy Rabbit Showmanship
10:00 AM Sheep (Lead Class) - Show Arena
11:30 AM Adelphi Band Concert - Grandstand
12:00 PM: Official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Bandstand
12:00 PM: Unioto High School Band - Bandstand
12:00 PM: Flower Show Judging - Fruit/Veg/Flower/School Bldg
12:00 PM: Fair 4 All - Show Arena
12:00 PM: Harness Racing - Grandstand
12:00 PM: - 2:00 PM: Sign-up for Kiddy Tractor Pulls (Ages 3-8) - PRCTC Building
12:00 PM: - 4:00 PM: PRCTC MADE Enrollment - PRCTC Building
12:30 PM: Farm Product Judging - Fruit/Veg/Flower/School Bldg
1:00 PM: Christian Life Tabernacle Church - Bandstand
2:00 PM: Dairy Goat Showmanship, then Show Followed by - Show Arena
Pygmy Goat Showmanship, then Show Producing & Market Goat Showmanship
2:00 PM: Kiddy Tractor Pulls (Ages 3-8) - PRCTC Building
2:30 PM: Unioto High School Band - Bandstand
3:00 PM: Chillicothe Baptist Church Band - Bandstand
4:30 PM: Unioto High School Band - Bandstand
5:15 PM: St Peters Catholic Church - Bandstand
6:00 PM: Class G Horseshoe Competition - Horseshoe Pits
6:30 PM: The Dallas Band Sound Check - Bandstand
8:00 PM: The Dallas Band - - Bandstand
8:00 PM: Ross County Jr Fair King & Queen Contest and - Grandstand
4-Her of the Year, Friend of 4-H, Friend of Jr Fair Presentation
8:30 AM Jr Fair Rabbit Showmanship Contest - Small Animal Show Arena
9:00 AM Jr Fair Horse Show - Horse Arena
10:00 AM Jr Fair Buddies (5-8 year olds) - Jr Fair Building
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Learn About Adult Education”s Basic Peace Officer Academy PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Register To Win The Door Prize - PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Stop In To Spin The Prize Wheel - PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - Close All American Petting Zoo - Grounds
11:00 AM Beef Team-Fitting Contest - Show Arena
11:00 AM Ross County Library Story Time - Bandstand
12:00 PM: Ross County Sheriff - Bandstand Area
12:00 PM: Rides Open on the Grounds - Grounds
12:00 PM: - 4:00 PM: Touch a Race Car - South of Multipurpose Bldg
12:00 PM: - 4:00 PM: Sampson Monster Truck Rides (There is a fee for the ride) - Grandstand
12:00 PM: - 5:00 PM: FREE RIDES FOR CHILDREN Ages 17 and under
1:00 PM: Ohio Buckeye State Pedal Pullers Pedal Tractor Pullers - Near Bandstand
State Qualifier
1:00 PM: Zane Trace Marching Band - Bandstand
1:45 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
2:00 PM: - 4:00 PM: Learn About Adult Education”s Basic Peace Officer Academy PRCTC Building
2:30 PM: Zane Trace Marching Band - Bandstand
3:00 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
3:00 PM: All American Lumberjack Show - Midway
4:00 PM: Ross County Sheriff - Bandstand Area
4:00 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
4:00 PM: Jr Fair Poultry Production & Fancy Poultry Shows & - Small Animal Arena
Poultry Showmanship Contest
4:00 PM: Jr Fair Producing Breeding Goat & Market Goat Shows - Show Arena
4:30 PM: Zane Trace Marching Band - Bandstand
5:00 PM: All American Lumberjack Show - Midway
5:00 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
6:00 PM: Ross County Sheriff - Bandstand
6:00 PM: Class F Horseshoe Competition - Horseshoe Pits
6:15 PM: Third Capital Saxes - Bandstand
7:00 PM: Micro Wrestling - Grandstand
7:45 PM: King, Queen & Court Introductions - Bandstand
8:00 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
8:00 AM Jr Fair Swine Show, Followed by - Show Arena
County Bred, Born & Raised Swine Show
8:30 AM Jr Fair Market Poultry Show - Small Animal Show Arena
9:00 AM Jr Fair Horse Show - Horse Arena
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: 4-H Bake Revue Entries Accepted - Jr Fair Building
10:00 AM Jr Fair Buddies (5-8 year olds) - Jr Fair Building
10:00 AN - Close All American Petting Zoo - Grounds
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Register To Win The Door Prize - PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Stop In To Spin The Prize Wheel - PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: PRCTC MADE Enrollment - PRCTC Building
11:00 AM Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
12:00 PM: Ross County Public Library Story Time - Bandstand
1:00 PM: Southeastern High School Band - Bandstand
1:30 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
2:00 PM: - 6:00 PM: Voucher Redemption at Voucher Booth - Jr Fair Building
2:00 PM: All American Lumberjack Show - Midway
2:30 PM: Southeastern High School Band - Bandstand
3:00 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
3:30 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
4:00 PM: - 6:00 PM: Flower Show Release - All Sections in First Show - - Fruit/Veg/Flower/School Bldg
4:30 PM: Southeastern High School Band - Bandstand
5:00 PM: All American Lumberjack Show - Midway
5:00 PM: Fun Bunch Cloggers - Bandstand
6:15 PM: Happy Squares - Bandstand
6:00 PM: Class E Horseshoe Competition - Horseshoe Pits
6:45 PM: King, Queen & Court Introductions - Grandstand
7:00 PM: Jr Fair Night - Apple Pie Judging, Outhouse Race, - Grandstand
Barnyard Olympics, Lip Sync Contest, & Calf Scramble
7:30 PM: Great Seal of Ohio Band - Bandstand
9:00 PM: Kingston Kickers - Bandstand
8:00 AM Jr Fair Swine Showmanship Contest - Show Arena
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Entries taken for 2nd Flower Show - Fruit/Veg/Flower/School Bldg
8:30 AM Jr Fair Market Rabbit Show - Small Animal Show Arena
10:00 AM Jr Fair Buddies (5-8 year olds) - Jr Fair Building
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Market Turkey Move-in Weigh-in - Poultry Barn
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM: Voucher Redemption at Voucher Booth - Jr Fair Building
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Welding Simulator Demos With Mr Collier - PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Register To Win The Door Prize - PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: PRCTC MADE Enrollment - PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Stop In To Spin The Prize Wheel - PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - Close All American Peetting Zoo - Grounds
12:00 PM: 2nd Flower Show Judging - Flower Building
12:00 PM: Ross County Public Library - Bandstand
12:30 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
1:30 PM: Chillicothe High School Band - Bandstand
1:45 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
2:30 PM: Chillicothe High School Band - Bandstand
3:00 PM: Jr Fair Market Lamb Show, Followed by Breeding Sheep - Show Arena
Show, then Sheep Showmanship Contest
3:00 PM: All American Lumberjack Show - Midway
3:00 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstan
4:00 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
4:30 PM: Chillicothe High School Band - Bandstand
5:00 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
5:00 PM: All American Lumberjack Show - Midway
6:00 PM: Class D Horseshoe Competition - Horseshoe Pits
6:00 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
6:00 PM: Comedy Night - Donnie Baker, Lori Graves, Jay Snyder - Grandstand - Must be 18 Years or Older
6:30 PM: N’Step Dance - Bandstand
8:00 PM: YMCA - Bandstand
8:00 PM: Jr Fair Market Beef Show - Show Arena
8:00 AM Jr Fair Market Turkey Show - Small Animal Show Arena
8:30 AM Jr Fair Beef Breeding Show & Beef Showmanship Contest - Show Arena
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Mandatory Vet Check for Horses Being Trailered in for Jr Fair Horse Barn
Open Horse Show Before Unloading NO EXCEPTIONS!
9:00 AM Open Poultry Show - Poultry Barn
9:30 AM Small Animal Showman of Showman Contest - Small Animal Show Arena
10:00 AM Junior Fair Buddies (5-8 year olds) - Jr Fair Building
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Hair Braiding (For Youth) - PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: Register To Win The Door Prize - PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM: PRCTC MADE Enrollment - PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - Close All American Petting Zoo - Grounds
11:00 AM Ross County Sheriff - Bandstand Area
11:00 AM Jr Fair County Bred, Born & Raised Goat Show - Show Arena
11:00 AM Horse (open class) - Horse Arena
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM: Voucher Redemption at Voucher Booth - Jr Fair Building
11:00 PM: Ross County Public Library Story Time - Bandstand
12:00 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
1:00 PM: Outstanding Nutritionist Interviews - Jr Fair Building
1:00 PM: Huntington High School Band - Bandstand
1:00 PM: - 4:00 PM: Stop In To Spin The Prize Wheel - PRCTC Building
1:45 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
2:00 PM: - 4:00 PM: Learn About Adult Education’s Basic Peace Officer Academy PRCTC Building
2:00 PM: - 6:00 PM: Election of Directors - Fair Office
2:30 PM: Huntington High School Band - Bandstand
3:00 PM: Golf Cart Contest/Parade - Campgrounds
3:00 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
3:30 PM: All American Lumberjack Show - Midway
3:30 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
4:30 PM: Huntington High School Band - Bandstand
5:00 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
5:15 PM: Antique Tractor Parade - Grounds
5:30 PM: All American Lumberjack Show - Midway
6:00 PM: Jr Fair Swine Sale - Show Arena
6:00 PM: Class C Horseshoe Competition - Horseshoe Pits
6:00 PM: Jerry Branscomb - Bandstand
7:00 PM: Thunder Bump and Run Race - Grandstand
8:00 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
9:00 AM Beef Cattle Open Class - Show Arena
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Exhibits Released: Non-Market Poultry & Waterfowl - Poultry Barn
10:00 AM Junior Fair Buddies (5-8 year olds) - Jr Fair Building
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Hair Braiding (For Youth) - PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM: Register To Win The Door Prize - PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM: PRCTC MADE Enrollment - PRCTC Building
10:00 AM - Close All American Petting Zoo - Grounds
11:00 AM Ross County Public Library Story Time - Bandstand
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM: Voucher Redemption at Voucher Booth - Jr Fair Building
12:00 PM: 4-H Style Show - Bandstand
12:30 PM: Large Animal Showman of Showmen Contest - Show Arena
1:00 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
1:00 PM: - 3:00 PM: Stop In To Win The Door Prize - PRCTC Building
2:00 PM: Paint Valley High School Band - Bandstand
2:00 PM: All American Lumberjack Show - Midway
2:30 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
3:00 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
4:00 PM: Paint Valley High School Band - Bandstand
3:00 PM: Door Prize Drawing - PRCTC Building
4:00 PM: 4-H & Jr Fair Awards - Small Animal Show Arena
4:30 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
5:00 PM: Paint Valley High School Band - Bandstand
5:30 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
6:00 PM: Jr Fair Market Sales Lamb, Goat, Dairy & Beef (Order TBA) - Show Arena
6:00 PM: Class B Horseshoe Competition - Horseshoe Pits
6:00 PM: - 9:00 PM: Exhibits Release - Breeding Rabbits - Rabbit Barn
6:30 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
6:30 PM: All American Lumberjack Show - Midway
7:00 PM: Autocross - Grandstand
7:00 PM: Wegians Sound Check - Bandstand
8:00 PM: Wegians - Bandstand
9:00 AM Jr Fair Market Sales: Chickens, Turkeys & Rabbits - Show Arena
10:00 AM - Close All American Petting Zoo - Grounds
11:00 AM Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
11:00 AM Junior Class Horseshoe Competition - Horseshoe Pits
11:00 AM Kiddie Tractor Pull - Sponsored by River’s Edge - Grandstand
Orthodontics Dr Brad Pendell
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM: Voucher Redemption at Voucher Booth - Last Day and Time Jr Fair Building
12:00 PM: Exhibits Released Row of Champions
12:00 PM: Exhibits Released - Breeding Beef-Dairy Cattle-Goats-Horse-Sheep
12:00 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
12:30 PM: All American Lumberjack Show - Midway
1:00 PM: Adena High School Band - Bandstand
1:30 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
2:00 PM: All American Lumberjack Show - Midway
2:30 PM: Adena High School Band - Bandstand
3:00 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
3:00 PM: Jr Fair Building Closed
3:30 PM: Jr Fair Booth Tear Down - Schedule TBA - Jr Fair Building
4:00 PM: Michael Felks Tinsmithing Show - Bandstand Area
4:00 PM: All American Lumberjack Show - Midway
4:30 PM: Adena High School Band - Bandstand
6:00 PM: Majestic Dreamers - Bandstand
6:00 PM: Class A Horseshoe Competition - Horseshoe Pits
7:00 PM: Car Demolition Derby - Grandstand
8:00 PM: Mike Bishop Hypnotist - Bandstand
10:00 PM: Fireworks Display
9:00 AM Commercial Building Release
9:00 AM Multipurpose Building Release
12:00 PM: - 2:00 PM: Farm Products Release - Fruit/Veg/Flower/School Bldg
12:00 PM: - 2:00 PM: School Displays Release - Fruit/Veg/Flower/School Bldg
12:00 PM: - 2:00 PM: Flower Show Release - Fruit/Veg/Flower/School Bldg
12:30 PM: - 2:00 PM: Home Arts Building Release - Home Arts Building
1:00 PM: - 2:00 PM: Antique Farm Display Release - Antique Farm Display Bldg
Fair Date: August 5 - 12, 2023
Location: Ross County Fairgrounds, 344 Fairgrounds Road, Chillicothe, OH 45601
Season Ticket - $25.00
Sr Citizen Ticket (Age 62 and over) - $15.00
(Available at the Fair Office one week prior to Fair)
Sr Citizens Special - Thursday, August 10, 2023 - FREE
Free Admittance to Active Military personnel and Veterans with proper ID
Military Special - Thursday, August 10, 2023 - FREE
Daily General Admission - (7 years of age and up) - $5.00
Daily Senior Citizens (Age 62 and over) - $4.00
Click here for more information.