
A History Lesson for Susan Crawford

Government and Politics

February 20, 2025

MADISON, WI - It’s about that time in the afternoon when school is out & so are Susan Crawford’s deceitful lies. For weeks, Crawford has been falsely twisting history in an attempt to harm Brad Schimel, but she’s only harming herself and, unfortunately, Wisconsin survivors.

While school is out this afternoon, we have a real history lesson to share. Despite what Crawford may claim, the story on unsubmitted sexual assault kits is complex, but the facts are simple: Schimel prioritized Wisconsin survivors. 

Here are the facts: 

Claim: Crawford claims Schimel neglected 6,000 rape kits.
Reality: Schimel’s predecessor left untested kits dating back to the 1980’s.

Claim: Schimel “delayed justice for victims of sexual assault”
Reality: Victim advocates and experts agreed that a victim-centric approach was the most critical part of this process.

Claim: Schimel “delayed justice for victims of sexual assault”
Reality: There are many reasons a kit could sit untested. In some cases, testing the kit wasn’t necessary for conviction; some victims have not decided whether to press charges or participate in the criminal justice system,” as Jill Karofsky said.

Claim: Schimel “delayed justice for victims of sexual assault”
Reality: Schimel created a new survivor-focused approach to sexual assault kit testing, created WISAKI, created a resource for survivors, and had to catalog every test statewide.

Claim: Any **** Susan says.
Reality: Misinformation and politicization about “unsubmitted sexual assault kits” may, unfortunately, create more stress for survivors; thanks to the Schimel DOJ, resources are available online for survivors at byyoursidewi.org. Don’t listen to Susan; listen to what the real experts say, like Ian Henderson, Pennie Meyers, or maybe even Audrey Skwierawski and Jill Karofsky, when it wasn’t an election year.

The Bottom Line: Lying at the expense of sexual assault victims to get power is disgusting and anti-survivor. Crawford and her campaign should be ashamed. The truth is Brad Schimel has been a public servant for over 35 years and Susan Crawford is a dangerous Democrat politician.