
A Message from the Chair: November’s Legislative Elections Have High Stakes

Government and Politics

September 20, 2024

Idaho Democrats are the underdogs in the Statehouse. But despite holding just 18% of the seats, they make a difference when extreme-right Republicans are at odds with traditional conservatives. The Democratic caucus has cast deciding votes to pass the Medicaid budget, enact Launch scholarships, uphold a veto of a bad library bill, and stop costly voucher schemes that funnel money to private schools.

Holding a supermajority and operating a closed primary has pushed the Idaho Republican Party further to the right. Fringe candidates again made huge inroads during this year’s May primary, bolstered by the billionaire-funded school voucher lobby.

With traditional Republicans sidelined, the upcoming November elections are crucial. Voter turnout will determine whether enough Democrats can be elected to protect policies that shape Idaho’s future.

LAUNCH scholarships keep talent in Idaho, build a desperately needed skilled workforce, and propel the next generation to careers with family-sustaining wages. These dollars can be used to pursue nursing, welding, and other in-demand careers. LAUNCH was passed by a single vote, with every Democrat in favor and most Republicans opposing. Some Republican leaders want to repeal this opportunity to strengthen our economy. And that’s what they will do if we don’t elect enough Democrats.

For two consecutive years, Democrats cast the deciding votes to stop voucher schemes in committee. The voucher lobby targeted several Republicans who stood with Democrats, replacing them with pro-voucher candidates. Funneling $70 million to private and religious schools with zero accountability is unwise in the best of times. It’s very harmful when our neighborhood public schools face closures, disrepair, and staffing shortages.

Medicaid expansion enjoys strong bipartisan support among voters and the business community. Nevertheless, every year, extreme-right Republicans bring bills to undo this voter-enacted law and take coverage away from tens of thousands of Idaho families. We narrowly defeat these bills every year, thanks to Democratic votes.

Historically, the Idaho Senate acted as a safeguard against the most outrageous proposals, like one that sought to jail librarians over controversial books. Senate leaders were typically traditional conservatives, appointing committee chairs less inclined toward extremism. Plenty of extreme legislation was still enacted — including cash rewards for a rapist’s family members if the victim received an abortion. However, the Senate was more reasonable than the House overall. That is, until there was an influx of hard-right senators. The Senate could become just as extreme as the House this November.

The rising dominance of extreme-right Republicans hurts Idaho. For voters who want to reject this extremism, their best bet is to vote Democrat. If Democrats pick up a handful of seats, we can protect smart policies like Launch scholarships and Medicaid. A healthier balance of power will benefit all Idahoans.

-- Lauren Necochea
Idaho Democratic Party Chair.