
A Message from the Chair: Who Supports Idaho’s Businesses and Families? Check the Voting Records

Government and Politics

September 27, 2024

Looking at legislative scorecards from respected organizations across Idaho reveals important information for voters. Democrats consistently outscore Republicans in protecting Idaho’s economy, our children, and our natural resources.

When it comes to business interests, Idaho House and Senate Democrats outperform Republican legislators. The Idaho Association of Commerce & Industry, Idaho’s largest advocate for business, evaluates lawmakers on their support for Idaho’s economy. In 2024, Democrats received an average score of 15 points higher than Republicans.

The Idaho Children Are Primary 2024 Kids Matter Index rates bills according to their impact on children and families. When given chances to improve the well-being of our kids and strengthen families, Republicans fall short. The bipartisan organization gave every Democratic legislator a 91% or higher score. Republicans, on the other hand, failed miserably: Dustin Manwaring received 46%, Brandon Mitchell 50%, and Dan Foreman a dismal 36%.

Legislative voting records from the Idaho Wildlife Federation and Conservation Voters for Idaho reveal how legislators vote on bills impacting outdoor sporting opportunities, clean air, clean water, and public lands. Once again, Democrats are the clear frontrunners, voting more reliably than Republicans to safeguard Idaho’s natural resources for today and future generations.

The Food Producers of Idaho’s Ag-All Stars award is given to legislators with a track record supporting Idaho’s agriculture. Democratic lawmakers, including Ned Burns, Nate Roberts, and Rick Just, received this award in 2024 for their consistent votes to protect Idaho farmers and rural communities. Notably, the highest-ranking Democrats in the House earned this recognition. In contrast, the top Republicans — Speaker Mike Moyle, Majority Leader Jason Monks, and Assistant Majority Leader Sage Dixon — failed to earn this honor. The Republicans’ voting records show they oppose policies that strengthen the agricultural sector they claim to champion.

On the other hand, if you look at the Idaho Freedom Foundation’s Freedom Index, you’ll find that Democrats rank at the bottom, and for good reason. The IFF is not concerned with practical solutions for our future and shrugs away the economic challenges working families face. It pushes an anti-government agenda that seeks to dismantle the building blocks of a strong economy, like our schools and post-secondary education institutions. Former Senate President Pro Tem Chuck Winder, himself a Republican, called out the IFF in 2021, saying, “My greatest disappointment is how many legislators are willing to follow the direction of the Idaho Freedom Foundation. It’s one of the biggest threats we have to democracy in our state.”

The next time you hear a politician claim they stand for your values, check the scorecards. Those words are empty if they do not support the economy, protect Idaho farms, and fight for kids. The most reliable champions of Idaho’s future are Democrats.

-- Lauren Necochea
Idaho Democratic Party Chair