Arts and Entertainment
January 12, 2023
From: Amelia Island Museum of History
3rd on 3rd
Friday, January 20, at 6pm
Produced by WJCT and Wild Iris Productions in 2000, An American Beach focuses on MaVynee Betsch and the American Beach community's efforts to protect the beach from development. After the film, Carol Alexander, Founding Director of the A. L. Lewis Museum at American Beach, will hold a brief discussion.
For this special 3rd on 3rd, attendance is free for all. Seating is limited on a first come, first served basis. This program is wheelchair accessible.
Please note that this is an in-person event only and will NOT be livestreamed on Twitch.
For more information contact Summer at 904-261-7378 x.102 or [email protected]
February Brown Bag Lunch
Brown Bag Lunch
Wednesday, February 1, at 12pm
The Right Whales of Amelia Island: Why are they here? Why celebrate? Why worry? Richard Timm, cofounder of the Amelia Island Whale Ambassadors, will draw on resources from the Florida FWC, Georgia DNR, and NOAA, to present a compelling picture of these gentle giants that frequent the waters off Amelia Island each winter. They are here now!
Attendance is free and open to the public and attendants may bring their lunch. Seating is limited on a first come, first served basis. This program is wheelchair accessible.
Watch this program remotely at
For more information contact Summer at 904-261-7378 x.102 or [email protected]
Volunteer History Garden Call for Donations
The garden would love contributions of 6 seasonal blooming plants and 20 bags of pine bark mulch.
Please contact Thea at [email protected] if you're interested in donating.
Temporary Exhibit on View
Stories Underground highlights significant archaeological excavations on Amelia Island, from crude 19th century explorations of native burial mounds to the fruitful "Dorion Dig" on the south end in the 1980s.
In Case You Missed It...
In case you missed our January Brown Bag Lunch, here is the recording! Lauree Hemke presented "Why We Quilt."
COVID-19 Prevention Strategies
The museum is dedicated to promoting public health and wellness and is taking precautions to ensure that our visitors, volunteers, and staff continue to have a healthy and enjoyable experience within the museum. For information on the most recent State of Florida Health Department notices, please visit or you can find CDC recommendations here
Mission Statement: In bringing alive the past, the Amelia Island Museum of History preserves, protects, and promotes the unique history of Amelia Island and its surrounding area for a diverse community of residents, researchers, and visitors