Government and Politics
March 1, 2023
From: Alaska Governor Mike DunleavyWHEREAS, as one of the nation’s oldest and most recognized humanitarian organizations, the American Red Cross has long been a symbol of the compassion and selflessness that defines the American way of life; and
WHEREAS, the American Red Cross is notable for providing care to those in desperate times when disasters and other crises threaten to overwhelm and destroy communities, and Alaskans have come to trust and depend on the Red Cross of Alaska to provide services and support throughout the state; and
WHEREAS, the Red Cross prioritizes the empowerment of individuals and families to protect themselves in uncertain times with four simple steps: make a plan, build a kit, get trained, and volunteer; and
WHEREAS, Red Cross courses in lifesaving skills, first aid, CPR, water safety, and other critical tasks improve the wellbeing of entire regions by providing vital information and training to be used in crucial situations when life hangs in the balance and medical responders are not present; and
WHEREAS, in 2022, 361 Red Cross volunteers responded to 225 disasters and helped 491 families in Alaska, including the 77 disaster workers that were sent in response to a major storm disaster on the west coast of Alaska to serve the 36 impacted communities; and
WHEREAS, Alaskans gratefully welcome the efforts of the American Red Cross, whose lifesaving mission is powered by the devotion of volunteers, the generosity of donors, and the partnerships with community organizations that optimize the sanctity of self-sacrifice so that others may live through dire circumstances.
NOW THEREFORE, I, Mike Dunleavy, GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF ALASKA, do hereby proclaim March 2023 as:
American Red Cross Month
in Alaska, and encourage all Alaskans to support this organization and consider volunteering to assist with its noble humanitarian mission.