
Arizona Democratic Party Endorses Mark Kelly for Vice President

Government and Politics

July 24, 2024

On July 24, 2024, the Arizona Democratic Party Executive Board formally endorsed Senator Mark Kelly to be the Vice Presidential nominee alongside Kamala Harris. The following statement can be attributed to Chairwoman Yolanda Bejarano: 

“Senator Kelly has been a champion for Arizonans, engaging them in the path towards building a better Arizona and creating a strong and diverse coalition along the way. Senator Kelly is exactly the type of leader Arizonans want, and America needs. The path to the White House runs through Arizona, and we are confident that with Kamala Harris and Mark Kelly at the top of the ticket, Democrats will win in November.” 

To read the full letter of support, please click here.  

Arizona Democrats are prepared to fight for Arizona values by electing Democrats up and down the ballot. To learn more about key initiatives, how to vote or how to support Democrats this election cycle, please visit azdem.org.