Government and Politics
March 6, 2023
From: Athens-Clarke County Unified GovernmentThe Athens-Clarke County Transportation and Public Works Department is seeking public input on preliminary concepts for improvements to the North Chase Street corridor through March 29, 2023.
The purpose of the project is to improve peak hour congestion at the SR-10 Loop intersection with Chase Street while enhancing bike and pedestrian infrastructure along the Bryan Street to Barber Street / Newton Bridge Road section of the corridor.
In 2019, Transportation and Public Works received a Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) grant from the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) to assist with the improvements (GDOT PI# 0015390), which will include roundabouts at both intersections of the SR-10 Loop interchange, a roundabout at Oneta Street, sidewalks, and various traffic calming measures. ACCGov has long-term plans to extend bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure to Prince Avenue in future phases as funding allows.
A drop-in public meeting is planned for Thursday, March 16 at the Snipes Water Resources Center (780 Barber Street) from 5:30 to 7:30 PM. Staff will be available to share information about the project and receive feedback from residents.
An online survey is also available at and will be open through Wednesday, March 29. The website also includes background information about the project, project concepts, existing and proposed section details, and a project update subscription list.
A timeframe for construction of this project has not yet been determined. Additional public input will take place as the project moves forward into the design phase.
For more information on the North Chase Street improvements, call the Athens-Clarke County Transportation and Public Works Department at 706-613-3440 or email [email protected].