
Attend Upcoming Event About The Draft Community Plan

Government and Politics

December 28, 2023

From: City of Sedona

Attend upcoming event about the Draft Community Plan

SEDONA, Ariz.– The city of Sedona invites the community to learn and share their thoughts about the first draft of the 10-year update to the Community Plan at one of two community forums:

- Saturday, Jan. 6, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

- Thursday, Jan. 11, 2024 from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Both events will be held at the Sedona Performing Arts Center at Sedona Red Rock High School at 995 Upper Red Rock Loop Rd.

This is the community’s opportunity to see the Draft Plan, ask questions and provide feedback. The Draft Plan is based on extensive public input about community priorities and key issues for the next 10 years. Once approved, the Community Plan will provide guidance and direction to City Council and the Planning Zoning Commission, and influence land use, upcoming projects, programs, and priorities; and overall city vision. At the forums, everyone is invited to participate in interactive stations regarding housing, land development, the environment and more.

As a ten-year update to the last plan, the most significant changes to the current plan are policy and action items about tourism, sustainability and housing. These were the key issues that rose to the top of all the input received from the public, stakeholders and partner organizations.

The deadline for comments on this first draft of the plan is Feb. 1, 2024. Input can be provided at either of the two forums or online at www.plansedona.com. All feedback and potential revisions will be presented to the Planning and Zoning Commission at a Feb. 20, 2024 public hearing. The Commission will then recommend a revised draft to City Council prior to a Council public hearing tentatively scheduled for Mar. 12, 2024.

For more information on the Community Plan update or to review and comment on the draft plan, go to www.plansedona.com. The community may also contact Cynthia Lovely, city of Sedona principal planner at 928-203-5035 or [email protected].