
Bethesda Lutheran Church - Call Time 6:30pm For Ash Wednesday

Religion and Spirituality

February 22, 2023

From: Bethesda Lutheran Church

Dear Choir,

I hope that your week is off to a good start!

This is a reminder that we're meeting early tomorrow for Ash Wednesday. Call time is 6:30pm in the Campanius Room.

Due to Pastor Keyl’s absence, we'll need some cantors for some easy chanting.



Upcoming Dates

Wednesday, Feb. 22 - Ash Wednesday - 6:30pm call for 7pm service. .

Sunday, Feb. 26 - 9am rehearsal, worship at 9:30

Wednesday, March 1 - 7:30pm rehearsal

Sunday, March 5 - 9am rehearsal, worship at 9:30

Wednesday, March 8 - 7:30pm rehearsal