Religion and Spirituality
March 6, 2023
From: Bethesda Lutheran ChurchMarch 5, 2023
Second Sunday in Lent
Worship at 9:30 am
Fellowship and Learning Hour following Worship
Presiding Minister: Pastor Tim Keyl
Assisting Ministers: Eleanor Lee and Vicar Gabrielle Brown
Music Director: Stephen Gamboa-Díaz
Music Intern: Ike Harijanto
Altar Guild: Blair Goodlin
Lectors: Chris Lee and Greta Lee
Ushers: Miles Kirschner and Elaine Ramshaw
Livestream: Ray Bussolini
Tellers: Dianne Witte and Anna Franz
Bread Baker: Franz family
Coffee Hour: Richard Ford
Parking Notice for Sunday, March 5
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the PLR ShamRock & Roll 5K this Sunday in New Haven, Whitney Ave will be closed from Trumbull St to Highland St from about 8:55 am until about 9:45 am. Please try to park on St. Ronan St if possible. For those who need to use the church parking lot on Whitney Ave, you should begin on St. Ronan St, then take Canner St east to Whitney Ave. One lane of traffic will be coned off on Whitney Ave between Canner St and Bethesda's parking lot, but that will be the only way to access the parking lot.
From the Vicar
A Blessing for Slowing Down
Blessed are we who thought we were self-made by the doing, by the accolades, by the accomplishments, and by the gold stars. We measured our worth by how tired we were every morning, how many special events we missed because of work, by how many times we answered “How are you?” with “Busy.” We thought: This is the good life. But then we grew tired and lonely. We felt the strain on our relationships and our spiritual lives. And we became a bit miserable to be around. So blessed are we who stop—okay, maybe not stop entirely, who are we kidding—but who slow down. We who discover rest and new life and renewal when we step off the treadmill (or at least turn it down). We who remember that the world keeps spinning without us. And thank God for that. We who remember that we are loved, loved, loved. Not for what we do, but for who we are. [Kate Bowler]
It’s Lent, and as we follow Christ’s journey to death on the cross, we have the opportunity to pause, reflect and examine our own relationship with the sacred.
This past week, I did a bit of research on filters that influencers use for their social media presence. Studies identify an inverse relationship between the time young people spend viewing these idealized photos and videos and their own self-confidence. Our world sets standards that are unattainable and ultimately unfulfilling.
Sometimes Jesus walked away from others who wanted more of Him. On still other occasions, He retreated for His own refreshment and renewal or protection. The point is that Jesus didn't let the needs, pleas, attacks, or unresponsiveness of others distract Him.
So, instead of staying stuck on the non-stop treadmill, how about finding some stillness. Create an emotional and spiritual clearing. And in that space, have a conversation with God. Allow yourself to feel and think and dream and question. Remember that you are a wonderfully made beloved child of God.
Following Jesus as he steps ever-closer to the crucifixion isn’t easy. Yet we know how the story ends. And our response to the freely given gift we have in Jesus Christ can be to give our relationship with our Lord more attention.
This season, I invite you to step away from the chaos. Take a breath. Quiet your thoughts. Wave away the clutter. Find quiet. Reconnect.
+ Vicar Gabrielle Brown
Coming Up at Bethesda
Worship Livestream
We stream Sunday worship services live on Bethesda’s YouTube Channel. Join us live at 9:30 am every Sunday or watch the recording afterward.
Click here to access this Sunday's bulletin.
Carole DeVore Memorial Service and Potluck
Saturday, March 4
A memorial service for Carole DeVore will be held at Bethesda on Saturday, March 4 at 10:00 am. All are welcome.
If you are able to usher, please contact Pastor Keyl or just show up (2 needed). If you are able to acolyte, also please contact Pastor Keyl or just show up (3 needed).
Following the service, The Tuesday Lunch Circle (TLC), together with the Bethesda Choir, will host a potluck luncheon in the Campanius Room. If you are bringing food to share for the potluck, please contact Maggie Astrup with the dish that you are bringing at [email protected].
Watch live on Bethesda’s YouTube Channel. Access the bulletin here.
Soup Suppers in Lent - Theme: Traveling Stories
6:00 pm every Wednesday in the Campanius Room
Sign-up to bring soup to share – one meat-based, one vegetarian. Others may sign-up to bring loaves of bread and bottles of wine to share.
Traveling Stories
The Israelites ate manna forty years, until they came to a habitable land; they ate manna, until they came to the border of the land of Canaan (Exodus 16:35).
The number forty is a compelling number in the Bible. The time in the wilderness, time apart, time wandering, time on the way to the land of promise each inform our own experiences, particularly in Lent. During Soup Suppers, we will reflect on traveling stories, from scripture, from authors, and from each other. Do you have a travel story to tell? To the home of your ancestors? To a far-off land? On a vacation? Sign-up to tell your stories one week at Dinner Church, or just show up. Questions? Contact Pastor Keyl at [email protected].
Bible Study on Zoom
Bethesda's Bible Study continues to discuss NT Wright's Acts. The next gathering will be Wednesday, March 15 at 8:00 am.
When? Every other Wednesday at 8:00 am
Where? On Zoom, click here to join (or join by telephone: 203-432-9666; Meeting ID: 961 0888 6279)
Lenten Book Club for Adult Forum/Confirmation Class
Join the Adult Forum and Confirmation students each Sunday in March to discuss the book The Story of More by Hope Jahren. Each Sunday we will focus on a different section of the book. Our conversations will include opening devotionals from Confirmation students. Copies of the young adult version of the book are available from Dan Cortright. We hope to donate these copies to area middle schools after our book club.
Discussion topics are
Mar 5: Life and Earth, Ch 1-4 and 17-18
Mar 12: Food, Ch 5-9
Mar 19: Energy, Ch 10-13
Mar 26: The Story of Less, Ch 18-19, Appendix
Order Olive Oil from LWF
Time to order Olive Oil through Lutheran World Federation to support the LWF Vocational Training Program and help to reduce the fees of students.
Click here to access the on-line order form. Please place your order by April 2. Additional order forms are available in the Narthex.
Two size options:
250mL of olive oil in a plastic bottle - Price: $15.00
750mL of olive oil in a plastic bottle - Price: $35.00
Congregation Elects New Leaders; Several Continue To Serve
After a fulfilling and thought-provoking annual meeting of the congregation on February 19, complete with gratitude for our many blessings as well as calls to consider our future path together, there has emerged new leadership for Bethesda. We are grateful for all individuals who use their time and talents to keep our ministries humming. And those of us in leadership roles remain grateful for your prayers. Our new executive committee includes members who have swapped duties (Dianne to vice president, Nora to secretary), a new president (Elaine) of the congregation, and our treasurer (Linda) who will continue to serve in that role.
Click here to view a full list of elected leaders at Bethesda.
Voices Rising: Three Choirs Concert
On Sunday, March 5, from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm, a free choir concert featuring Bethesda's own Matthew Judd will be held at Woolsey Hall (500 College Street, New Haven).
Yale Schola Cantorum, Yale Camerata and Yale Glee Club will join together with guest conductor, Craig Hella Johnson.
Click here to learn more.
Hairspray at Co-op High School
Bethesda's Matthew Judd will be a lead in the musical running March 14-16 at 6:30 pm at COOP, 177 Crown Street downtown New Haven (next to Shubert). Tickets available (cash only) at the door: $15 for adults and $10 for students.
Lutheran World Hunger Collection
Please return your Lutheran World Hunger barn and pig boxes (filled with change, or even dollar bills!) by Palm Sunday, April 2. Boxes are still available for pickup in the narthex.
Exciting news: a generous donor has agreed to match our donations, doubling our impact!
ELCA World Hunger Lent Study Guides
As we journey through the season of Lent, consider picking up a copy of the ELCA World Hunger Lent Study Guide: 40 Days of Giving, available in the Narthex. This resource provides prayers, devotions, and exercises for personal or communal reflection.
Congregational Watershed Discipleship
Mark your calendars - on Sunday, April 30th at 11:30 am, Bethesda will host Rev. Dr. Nancy Wright, who will preach and lead an interfaith workshop on Congregational Watershed Stewardship.
Upcoming Commemorations
Perpetua and Felicity and companions, martyrs at Carthage, died 202
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Vibia Perpetua, a noblewoman, and Felicity, an enslaved woman, were catechumens at Carthage, northern Africa. They, with four other catechumens, had defied the Roman emperor who had forbidden conversions to Christianity, and were put to death in the amphitheater.
Harriet Tubman, died 1913; Sojourner Truth, died 1883; renewers of society
Friday, March 10, 2023
Harriet Tubman, born into slavery, helped about 300 others to escape slavery until the institution was abolished. Sojourner Truth, whose birth name was Isabella, was freed after slavery was abolished, and discerned a call to be a preacher. Taking the name Sojourner Truth, she set out on an evangelistic journey, where people found her testimony to be deeply moving.
Prayer Requests
For healing and strength: Pastor Kari Henkelmann Keyl; Rachel, daughter of Mary Browne; Pastor Ruth Drews; John Ferreira, nephew of Chris Couture; Kathryn and Karolyn Lee, aunts of Chris Lee; George Arndt, father of Lynn Arezzini; Michelle Lee, friend of Christina Castañeda; Mark Barnett, nephew of Becky Lerud; Marie Gray; Sonja Krummrey; Maureen Anderson; Natalie Denardis, granddaughter of Gail Denardis; Shirley Farm; Anne and Lee Keck; Kay Leone; Molly Dinneen; Karen (Starbranch) Blitch, daughter of Chuck Starbranch.
For those serving in the military.
For our partners in the Gospel: the congregations and schools of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) and LuMin Campus Ministry; for Bethesda House and Yale Divinity School students.
For Bethesda New Haven: that God continues to guide us into the future with ministries of witness, service, hospitality, and care while building up our community in all its diversity.
For those in candidacy for rostered leadership in the ELCA: Natalie Benson, Calli Micale, Vicar Gabrielle Brown, and Jeff Hazewinkel (in formation for consecration as deacon).
For Those Who Mourn: Paul Stuehrenberg and family, as they gather with Bethesda for Carole DeVore’s Memorial Service Saturday, March 4.