
Bethesda Lutheran Church News - April 28, 2023

Religion and Spirituality

April 29, 2023

From: Bethesda Lutheran Church

April 30, 2023

Worship at 9:30 am

Watershed Stewardship Workshop following Worship

Presiding Minister: Pastor Tim Keyl

Preacher: Rev. Nancy Wright

Assisting Minister: Vicar Gabrielle Brown

Music Director: Stephen Gamboa-Díaz

Music Intern: Ike Harijanto

Altar Guild: Clarissa Youngberg

Lectors: Maggie Astrup and Becky Lerud

Ushers: Linda Cortright and Liz Harnett

Livestream: Blair Goodlin

Bread Baker: Chris Wigren

Coffee Hour: Linda Cortright

From the Vicar

An Invitation to the WATERSHED WORKSHOP this week

Water is life.

One cannot live without water.

People who are followers of Jesus the Christ recognize this through the sacrament of Holy Baptism.

 Water is essential.

I share below excerpts from New England Synod’s Green Team 

What is a Watershed?

A watershed may be described in several ways, but in the United States, a watershed is usually considered an area of land that drains the waters flowing to a particular river, lake, or ocean.

You can find your own watershed here.

What about Watershed Discipleship?

A recent congregational effort by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America called for watershed stewardship and for “Watershed Discipleship.”

According to the resolution, “Christians acknowledge that water lies both at the center of our Christian rite of baptism and our current ecological and climate crisis, thus deserving deep theological treatment.” Further, the resolution urges that waters be named and known in worship and prayers and that Christians attend to social problems related to water contamination and floods.

Why a Watershed Workshop Now?

A threatening planetary water crisis asks now for a strong response. 

Caring for water orients a congregation in a new and deep way to its social, cultural, and ecological community, while also positioning it to develop supportive ties to other congregations and groups in the area to foster watershed health.

 When a congregation cares for its local watershed, it potentially promotes awareness and action to ameliorate worldwide water justice issues, including climate change and the feminization of poverty, both of which reflect and create water justice issues.

 A watershed discipleship congregation faithfully responds in our time to the challenge, worldwide, that all Earth’s peoples have sufficient food and water and watersheds’ health be promoted and sustained.

The two-hour workshops will include a description of watersheds, water rituals, information about local collaboration, and reflection on the meaning of "living water." All surrounding Christian congregations and interfaith communities are welcome.

We live in a watershed moment for the planet and for congregations.

Please join us this Sunday at 11:30 am where Rev. Dr. Nancy Wright will help us to be better informed about what this means to us - as individuals and as a faith community.

Worship Livestream

We stream Sunday worship services live on Bethesda’s YouTube Channel. Join us live at 9:30 am every Sunday or watch the recording afterward.

Click here to access this Sunday's bulletin.

Congregational Watershed Discipleship

This Sunday, April 30th at 11:30 am, Bethesda will host Rev. Dr. Nancy Wright, who will preach and lead an interfaith workshop on Congregational Watershed Stewardship. Lunch will be provided, so please register in advance.

Contemplative Prayer

Wednesday Contemplative Prayer continues this week, from 6:30 - 7:00 pm. Together we will experience a short reading, quiet time, and reflection. Join us as we pause in the middle of the week and tend to our spiritual health.

Click here to join

Bible Study on Zoom

Bethesda's Bible Study continues to discuss NT Wright's Acts. The next gathering will be Wednesday, May 10 at 8:00 am.

When? Every other Wednesday at 8:00 am

Where? On Zoom, click here to join (or join by telephone: 203-432-9666; Meeting ID: 961 0888 6279)

Upcoming Forum Schedule

Join us after worship each Sunday at 11:00 am in the Parish House Living Room!

April 30th - Congregation Watershed Discipleship Workshop (no forum)

May 7th - "Beyond the Medieval Walls: Stories from Churches Outside of Wittenberg" with Jeff Hazewinkel

May 14th - RIC and Inclusive Language with Vicar Gabrielle and Bethany Keyl

Updates and Opportunities on Masonry Work and Bethesda’s Sustainable Future

Capasso Masonry has begun its long-awaited repair on brickwork in three places on the Parish House. They may finish in the next week. This will enable us to reopen access to the patio, Memorial Garden, and Giving Garden. This will also address one of the critical items from the Building Assessment report.

Partners for Sacred Places offered a preliminary report to Pastor Keyl and Rachelle Goto on their Feasibility Study begun in December 2022, and will provide a written report by May 10. Bethesda’s Sustainable Future Task Force will resume its work on discerning Bethesda’s future, vision, and decision-making in conjunction with leaders. There will be forums for the congregation to learn and discuss the report once it is available.

Now that we are underway in a new direction with contractors and consultants, we are inviting contributions toward repayment of the $92,100 loan provided by the ELCA Mission Investment Fund for these two projects. There may be a more concentrated fund drive coming, but we now invite your one-time or regular giving toward a newly created Bethesda’s Sustainable Future to pay down the loan. You may put BSF on a check memo, or use the newly created option on Tithely.

Bethesda is generous. Thank you for your gifts.

Incoming Bethesda House Ministry Liaison and Office Assistant Tyler Fair

Look to welcome incoming Bethesda staffer Tyler Fair to two positions in late May. Tyler is looking for housing May 22-28 before the Bethesda House apartment is available. If you have a bedroom to spare during that time, please contact Pastor Keyl or Leigh Cromey.

Bethesda Nursery School Spring Fair 2023

Saturday, May 13th 9AM-2PM

Support Bethesda's Internship!

Bethesda has been wonderfully served by students -- part-time and full-time -- for decades. Our ministry benefits as they learn. However, support for these partners is not in our budget; it comes from generosity beyond our pledges. Additional support of $14,200 is needed between now and July 15 so our Student Ministry Fund can provide for the final months of Vicar Gabrielle's internship. Please consider a donation or two in gratitude for her service to us. 

Upcoming Commemorations

Catherine of Siena, theologian, died 1380

Saturday, April 29, 2023

This theologian was the first woman among Roman Catholics to receive the title "Doctor [teacher] of the Church." Catherine was a Dominican sister known for her mystical visions as well as her work on behalf of people who were poor and imprisoned.

Philip and James, Apostles

Monday, May 1, 2023

Philip was one of the first disciples of Jesus, and called Nathanael to "come and see." He later responded to an Ethiopian official's request for teaching and baptism. Little is known of James, the son of Alphaeus, called "the Less" to distinguish him from another apostle named James.

Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, died 373

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Best remembered for defending the teaching that Christ was fully God against those who taught otherwise, Athanasius was an influential church leader around the time of the Council of Nicea. He was banished from Alexandria five times for his forthright views.

Monica, mother of Augustine, died 387

Thursday, May 4, 2023

Monica was married to a pagan husband who was ill-tempered and unfaithful, but whom she helped bring into the Christian faith. She repeated the influence on her son Augustine, who went on to become one of the greatest church teachers.

Prayer Requests

For healing and strength: Lynn Arezzini; Pastor Kari Henkelmann Keyl; Rachel, daughter of Mary Browne; Pastor Ruth Drews; John Ferreira, nephew of Chris Couture; Kathryn and Karolyn Lee, aunts of Chris Lee; George Arndt, father of Lynn Arezzini; Michelle Lee, friend of Christina Castañeda; Mark Barnett, nephew of Becky Lerud; Marie Gray; Sonja Krummrey; Maureen Anderson; Natalie Denardis, granddaughter of Gail Denardis; Shirley Farm; Anne and Lee Keck; Kay Leone; Molly Dinneen; Karen (Starbranch) Blitch, daughter of Chuck Starbranch.

For our partners in the Gospel: the congregations and schools of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) and LuMin Campus Ministry; for Bethesda House and Yale Divinity School students.

For Bethesda New Haven: that God continues to guide us into the future with ministries of witness, service, hospitality, and care while building up our community in all its diversity.

For those in candidacy for rostered leadership in the ELCA: Natalie Benson, Calli Micale, Vicar Gabrielle Brown, and Jeff Hazewinkel (in formation for consecration as deacon).

For those preparing for baptism: Karim Ibrahim

For those celebrating the anniversary of baptism: Maya Ibrahim (May 1).