Religion and Spirituality
August 26, 2023
From: Bethesda Lutheran ChurchWorship Livestream
We stream Sunday worship services live on Bethesda’s YouTube Channel. Join us live at 9:30 am every Sunday or watch the recording afterward.
Click here to access this Sunday's bulletin.
Coming Up at Bethesda
The Pastor Is “In”
Will you be diligent in your study of the holy scriptures
and faithful in your use of the means of grace?
Will you pray for God’s people,
nourish them with the word and sacraments,
and lead them by your own example in faithful service and holy living?
I will, and I ask God to help me.
Thirty-six years ago on the Feast of the Holy Cross, September 14, 1987, at my ordination, the questions above were posed to me and I answered affirmatively. These promises were repeated at my installation at Bethesda in September of 2010.
Back from a blessed three-month summer sabbatical, these are still and evermore my commitments to you, dear people at Bethesda.
How can I care for you, pray for you, offer means of grace, and be an example for you now that I have found refreshment and renewal in a focus on spirituality?
Let these commitments be the center and ground for our relationship. If you’d like to visit with me, make an appointment through our administrator Leigh Cromey [email protected] or by calling (203) 787-2346 most weekday mornings. We can meet at your home, at Bethesda, or over a cup of coffee somewhere.
Look for this time of my return to be a renewal for all of us. Let us build our community, so needed in these times of uncertainty and change. Let us make welcome for those new to Bethesda, new to New Haven, new students and researchers.
Let holy listening be a good practice. Let love be our source and our guide.
I am grateful for the time Kari and I both had on our sabbatical. You will certainly hear more about in writing, preaching, praying, and gathering. I am grateful for leadership, preachers, presiders, musicians, and pastoral care offered from so many and especially Vicar Gabrielle and Elaine Ramshaw. I am thankful for staff support from Leigh Cromey, Leah Snavely, and Cameron Kritikos. I look forward with you to welcoming new staff Isaac Lee and Tyler Fair, along with the Bethesda House residents.
By far one of the greatest experiences on sabbatical was the gift of time. Let us use this time of return wisely to discover that in Christ, all things are made new.
Your Pastor.
Pastor Tim Keyl
(603) 533-7537
About Pastor Keyl’s Time
Pastor Keyl’s workdays are typically Sunday through Thursday. Pastor’s days off are typically Friday and Saturday. In addition to his role as Bethesda’s pastor, Pastor Keyl serves as Director of Lutheran Studies at Yale Divinity School working with students and faculty colleagues.
You Scream, I Scream, We All Scream For...
The annual Ice Cream Social is this Sunday, August 27th at 4:00 pm.
Bethesda's annual neighborhood ice cream social brings new students, new neighbors, and old friends for an afternoon.
Bethesda House Residents will scoop. A jazz ensemble will entertain. There are likely to be games for children of all ages.
Volunteers are invited to set-up and clean up. You are invited to bring cookies or dessert bars to share. Look for additional information in the next week.
Plan to wear your Bethesda t-shirt. And if you need a t-shirt, they are assorted by size in the BLC Narthex. Grab one that fits you!
Former Vicar, Kurt, Is Getting Ordained at BLC!
We are thrilled to host the luncheon following Kurt's ordination. We are looking for volunteers to help serve the luncheon and/or make a salad or dessert. If you can help, please contact Natalie Judd [email protected] or 203-605-9515
Fall Fantastic Feast
Fall Fantastic Feast is Sunday, September 10 beginning with 9:30 am worship and followed by a cookout and potluck outdoors (weather permitting)
New England Synod Bishop Jim Hazelwood will be our guest and preacher for this year's Fall Fantastic Feast. On that Sunday, we will offer blessing for new staff and Bethesda's ministries.
Following worship, we will eat a shared meal with grilled items at Bethesda's paved circles. You are invited to bring food to share.
Volunteers are invited to set-up and clean up, staff the tables of food, and work the grill.
Welcome, students and those new to New Haven!
Yale and other area universities and schools are beginning their orientations and classes in these weeks. Bethesda offers a warm and broad welcome to all those here for the first time. Bethesda is committed to inclusivity to all, and is a Reconciling in Christ congregation. All are invited to fully participate in worship and the life of our faith community. Please introduce yourself to others that you meet and Pastor Keyl. Sign-up up for our weekly enews . Look to sign-up for a worship leader role, or join the choir beginning rehearsals Thursday, August 31 at 7:30 pm. Stay after worship for conversation over coffee, another hot beverage and snacks in our large downstairs hall called the Campanius Room. Learn more on Bethesda’s website.
Blessing of Backpacks and for the New School Year Sunday, August 27 and September 3 during Worship
Bring your selves, your backpacks, your computer, or a sign of your involvement in education. At the end of worship, blessings for a new school year will be offered for students, teachers, and staff of various kinds for all types of schools.
We Need Volunteers for September
Email administrative assistant, Tyler Fair ([email protected] ) to volunteer for needed roles!
The following roles need filled for September 3rd: assisting minister, two readers, one altar guild volunteer, two ushers, two tellers, livestream, and coffee set-up.
1 in 3 families in Connecticut struggles to provide clean diapers for their baby... One in three.
The Diaper Bank of Connecticut provides clean diapers as well as period supplies and incontinence products to families in our state each week. We can help!
Bethesda will be participating in the ELCA “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday on September 10 along with Lutheran churches nationwide. We will be collecting diapers, period supplies, and incontinence products that day to deliver to the Diaper Bank in North Haven. Please bring your donated items to church - any size, any brand - or make a donation (checks may be written to Bethesda with The Diaper Bank in the memo line). This is a one day only drive - so mark your calendars and update your shopping lists! Diapers on September 10! God’s work. Our Hands.
Any Prayer Requests?
Any pressing prayer requests you want to offer to the community? These can include travel, health, desperate pleas, celebrations, etc. Please email those to [email protected].
In addition, take a look at the prayers below. If any of those need changed feel free to send those updates to Tyler too!
Learning Hour for all ages resumes Sunday, September 17, from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon on Sunday morning
Bethesda Bible Study Details
The Bethesda Bible study meets every other Wednesday from 8AM to 9AM.
We will be meeting on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 8 AM to finish discussing Act of the Apostles along with NT Wright's Acts.
After that, we will be studying Paul's Letter to the Romans, along with the associated chapters in N.T. Wright's Romans.
Weekly Zoom link for meeting:
Pastoral Care
For pastoral care, contact Pastor Keyl at (603) 533-7537 or [email protected]
Prayer Requests
For healing and strength: Paul Denardis, stepson of Gail Denardis; Mariza Horita; Rebecca Lerud; Jack Hayward, family member of Miles Kirschner, who recently had neck surgery; John Ferreira, nephew of Chris Couture; George Arndt, father of Lynn Arezzini; Marie Gray; Sonja Krummrey; Maureen Anderson; Shirley Farm; Anne and Lee Keck; Kay Leone; Molly Dinneen; Matthew H., cousin of Tyler Fair
Prayers of blessing at the ordination of former vicar, Kurt Saenger-Heyl, at 10 am on Saturday, September 2nd. Kurt has been called as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Centerbrook, Connecticut.
Celebration of baptism for Lily Micale, which took place on August 28, 2010.
For our partners in the Gospel: the congregations and schools of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) and LuMin Campus Ministry; for Bethesda House and Yale Divinity School students.
For our Ecumenical Partners Worldwide: We pray for Cape Verde, The Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Senegal/ The Ecumenical Prayer Cycle takes us through every region of the world over the course of a year.
For Bethesda New Haven: that God continues to guide us into the future with ministries of witness, service, hospitality, and care while building up our community in all its diversity.
For those in candidacy or seeking candidacy for rostered leadership in the ELCA: Natalie Benson, Tyler Fair, Calli Micale, Tim Bergeland