
Bethesda Lutheran Church News May 29,2023

Religion and Spirituality

May 30, 2023

From: Bethesda Lutheran Church

Dear Choir,

I wanted to remind you that we have our choir party this Wednesday at 6pm in the Parish House living room. It will be a POTLUCK!

In case you're unsure of what you might bring, we have the following items confirmed:

Lynn - Ham
Paul - Carrot Salad
Michaela - Cookies
Vicar Gabrielle - Side or dessert
Stephen - Beverages (Soft & Alcoholic)

We'll also have rehearsal for June 4, Trinity Sunday, which is our last meeting of the 2022–2023 season. We have a special psalm to go through for Trinity Sunday and a fun unison anthem by John Bell.



Wednesday, May 31 - CHOIR PARTY at 6PM

Sunday, June 4 - Trinity Sunday - 9:00am call for 9:30 worship
Anthem: Today I Awake - John Bell
Choir will then be on vacation until late August!