Religion and Spirituality
October 10, 2023
From: Bethesda Lutheran ChurchOctober 8, 2023
Fall Worship
Worship at 9:30 am
Followed by Fellowship and Learning Hour
Presiding Minister: Pastor Tim Keyl
Assisting Minister: Blair Goodlin
Organist & Music Director: Isaac Lee
Lectors: Richard Ford & Dianne Witte
Altar Guild: Blair Goodlin
Livestream: Miles Kirschner
Tellers: Rebecca Lerud & Richard Ford
Ushers: Linda & Dan Cortwright
Bread Baker: Rebecca Lerud
Coffee Set-Up: Leah Snavely
Worship Livestream
We stream Sunday worship services live on Bethesda’s YouTube Channel. Join us live at 9:30 am every Sunday or watch the recording afterward.
Click here to access this Sunday's bulletin.
This Week at Bethesda
From the Pastor
For the Healing of Creation
Creation Care is a term that describes attention to the earth and its inhabitants. Given climate change, the overuse of fossil fuels, severe reduction of habitats, forests, and wetlands, Bethesda’s weekly intercessions include at least one petition that brings creation care to mind.
The use of a hymnal supplement to ELW (the red hymnal) is something Bethesda has been utilizing in trying new hymns and ritual texts. When you see a printed hymn that is not from ELW it’s likely to be sourced from that supplement which is titled All Creation Sings (ACS). This is from the Introduction to ACS:
Each Sunday as God’s people are gathered into and sent from worship, All Creation Sings reminds us how we are integrally part of the whole of creation, marvels at the gift of creation, and gives thanks for the grace to join the rest of creation’s song even as the cosmos joins ours.
Won’t you join in praying for the renewal of creation? Won’t you marvel at animal companions as we mark the Blessing of Animals and commemorate St. Francis on our front lawn in front of the Parish House Sunday at 4 pm? Bring an animal, or bring yourself to pray with others.
May this song with the refrain “God, renew” be our prayer as creatures are named:
birds of the air (“God, renew”), buffalo and llama (“God, renew”), goats, sheep, and cattle (“God, renew”), guinea pigs and honeybees (“God, renew”), creatures of the wild (“God, renew”), mountain goat and badger (“God, renew”), elephant and lion (“God, renew”), grizzly bear and panda (“God, renew”), the fish of the sea (“God, renew”), trout and salmon (“God, renew”), whale and stingray (“God, renew”), anemone and algae (“God, renew”).
For the healing of creation, we pray to you, O God.
Text by Susan Briehl
Pastor Tim Keyl
[email protected]
Blessing of Animals, Sunday, October 8, 4:00 pm on the grass in front of the Parish House.
Near the commemoration of the great lover of animals and creation, St. Francis (October 4), Bethesda offers blessings for your pet on the grass in front of the Parish House. Bring your cat, dog, iguana, fish, or what have you to hear stories, share our love for animal companions, sing a song, and receive a blessing.
Council Corner Oct. 2023
At the September Council meeting we devoted a great deal of time to conversations about our future together. We celebrated our vibrant ministries and continued to take note of the toll our aging building takes on our staff and finances.
We learned of our successful application for the FEMA non-profit security grant, led by caretaker Leah Snavely and Dianne Witte.This is a reimbursement grant: we will pay for the repairs and request payment from FEMA paid out in two installments. This past week, we were notified that the amount awarded will be $128,000
We continue to encourage Bethesda members and friends to contribute to the Bethesda’s Sustainable Future Fund to pay back our Mission Investment Fund loan that the congregation approved in 2022 to pay for masonry repairs and the feasibility study with Partners for Sacred Places. Additionally, the Mission Endowment Fund has offered a matching grant up to $2800 to encourage contributions to the Student Ministry Fund.
As a council, we remain hopeful for an opportunity to repurpose our building and property with a partner who shares our ministry goals. To this end, several members of Council are researching and meeting with folks that may shine light on a path forward for our sustainable future together.
The council is grateful for your continued prayers and we invite your questions and suggestions at any time.
Remembering Those Who Have Died on All Saints, November 5
Beginning Sunday, October 8, look to place names in a binder of those you wish to remember on All Saints Sunday. They can be family, friends, or anyone throughout history that you’d like to bring to God’s mercy.
Please add the names of loved ones you want included for the All Saints service on Sunday, November 5 to the white binder (located in the Narthex) or email the names to [email protected]
Call to join the choir!
The Bethesda choir is open to all who love to worship and sing! We meet on Thursdays at 7pm in the choir room. No audition is required but musical training is appreciated. We are committed to learning, improving, and growing as a community.
Whether you are new to the church or a seasoned congregant, I encourage you to take the plunge and lend your voice to enhance our collective worship experience. Instrumentalists are also welcome to offer your musical talents.
The first Thursday of every month is our “Join-the-choir” welcome session. Do drop by and try it out for a night. No commitment required. Come and meet kindred spirits who share a love for music!
For more information or queries, please write to Isaac Lee, Music Director, at [email protected]
Stewardship Emphasis October-November, 2023
What stories of generosity can you share with our community? Look for a prompt from Bethesda’s Stewardship team in the next weeks.
Listen to testimony about how giving has inspired others.
Plan to offer an estimate of giving in 2024 on Stewardship Sunday, November 12.
Bethesda’s Stewardship Team
Calli Micale, Marietta Meyer, Blair Goodlin, Dianne Witte, and Pastor Tim Keyl
We Need Volunteers for October
Email administrative assistant, Tyler Fair ([email protected]) to volunteer for needed roles!
The following roles need filled for October 15th: 2 readers, usher, teller, coffee hour set-up
CCA Update!
CCA is requesting donations of cereal for the month of October!
Learning Hour Sunday after worship for all ages
Learning Hour begins after worship for these groups (snacks provided):
- Children in Primary Grades (or younger, too!) meet with Elaine Ramshaw and Nora Lee. They gather in the yellow classroom at the end of the education wing on the right for songs, stories, and sharing.
- Confirmation Youth (Middle School) meet with Dan Cortright in the Muhlenberg Room at the end of the education wing on the left to continue their exploration of the resource Manna and Mercy.
- Youth, young adults, and all others will meet in the Campanius Room. Dianne Witte and Richard Ford will share the story of their summer trek across America on Richard's quest to complete a triathlon and sing the national anthem in all 50 states. They will offer insight into these multi-sport events and share profound lessons learned and surprises realized on their journey.
Constitution Update
Earlier this year the Council suggested there may be sections of Bethesda's constitution that could be amended to more accurately reflect our current ministry. After a preliminary meeting in May, a task force began a comprehensive review of the constitution this month. The group will conclude the review in early October and recommend changes for Council members to consider at the October 23 meeting. Updates approved by the Council will be brought to the congregation for approval. Those ably serving on the task force are: Ian Bjorkman, Ellen Doon, Blair Goodlin, Pastor Tim, Dianne Witte, and Clarissa Youngberg.
Memorial for Gene Outka at Yale Divinity School’s Marquand Chapel
Saturday, October 7 at 10 am Pastor Keyl will preside at a Memorial Service for Gene Outka, Dwight Professor Emeritus of Philosophy and Christian Ethics. Your prayers and presence are invited, prayers particularly for his children Elizabeth and Paul Outka and their family.
Bethesda At The Bowl
October 21, 2023
Who? Everyone and anyone interested in the outdoors, Yale football, historic stadiums, food, drink, fun, games and fellowship. This is a family friendly event. Parents, bring your kids. Kids, bring your parents. And feel free to bring friends as well – the more the merrier. Yale Students are very welcome.
What? Two Outstanding Events! The football game itself (Yale v Penn) and Pre-Game Tailgating (Bethesda Style). General Admission tickets for the game are $16 for Adults, $14 FOR Seniors (62+), and $8 for Youth (3-12). We will purchase the needed tickets at the game – no need to buy any in advance.
When? The game starts at noon on Saturday, October 21st. Tailgating festivities begin at 10:00am. At 11:30am we will walk over to the stadium, grab any needed tickets, and find a place to sit in the Yale Bowl. Kickoff is at noon.
Where? The game is held in the famous Yale Bowl (which, if you have not been there, is a bit like traveling 100 years back in time to the beginnings of football) located at the corner of Chapel and Yale streets. Tailgating will be held in Parking Lot D. Driving access to Lot D is from Derby Avenue (not Chapel Street as in years past). Parking is $10/car. There are free shuttle buses from Payne Whitney Gym to the Yale Bowl. (You can still park outside of the permit zone in Westville and walk to Lot D if you want.) To find the tailgate location in Lot D, look for the Luther Rose Flag on a flagpole. Backpacks, Camera Bags, Binoculars Cases, Diaper Bags are not allowed in the stadium. Only small, hand held purses are allowed. Clear bags are OK.
Why? Fun! Fellowship. Enjoy the outdoors
How? If you have questions or are interested in attending BATB, please contact Don Youngberg - at church, at [email protected], or (203) 464-3208. Feel free to bring something to share at the tailgate – think of it as a bit of a potluck.
MEF Matching Grant in support of Student Ministry
Join the Mission Endowment Fund in supporting Bethesda's Student Ministry fund. Your dollars will be doubled!
Bethesda has hosted a series of three Vicars in as many years. They have each enriched our community in countless ways, not to mention the opportunities, challenges and learning that we provided for them! While we are taking a break from that ministry currently, there is a small negative balance in the student ministry fund for items already paid out. Your contributions will help satisfy this commitment.
The MEF grant will match all donations up to $2,800. Please donate today by designating "Student Ministry Fund" through Tithely, PayPal or by check.
Bible Study
The Bible Study group meets every other Wenesday morning from 8 - 9 am on Zoom and is currently studying St. Paul's letter to the Romans. Our leader is Maura Stavovy, a longtime friend of Bethesda. We are using N. T. Wright's study guide Romans.
Our next gathering will be on Wednesday, October 11 at 8 am. We will begin with Chapter 3 (page 23, question 8) in the study guide. Please Read Romans 2:17 through 3:8..Then we will move on to Chapter 4 in the study guide. Please read Romans 3:9-31.
Zoom information: Or Telephone?203-432-9666 (2-ZOOM if on-campus) or 646 568 7788
Meeting ID: 961 0888 6279
New Members
Are you new to Bethesda and want to learn more? Pastor Keyl is offering new member sessions on Sunday October 8, 15, and 22 at noon in the Parish House Living Room with lunch provided each week. Come, discover how Bethesda is serving God and the people of God around New Haven. Get to know others and build relationships. New members will be received on All Saints Sunday, November 5 at worship. If you are a student, you are welcome to attend even if you’d like to keep your home church affiliation. Please RSVP to Leigh Cromey at [email protected] for any one, two, or three sessions.
"Jazz Night at Bethesda" is Saturday, Oct. 7
The Confirmation class will hold its first fundraiser of the year on Saturday, October 7th! From 5:30 to 8:00 PM, the Campanius Room will be transformed into a jazz club with live music by Bethesda’s own Dave Arezzini, Richard Ford, and Chris Lee.
There will be a $10 entrance charge (what jazz clubs call a "cover" charge), AND a delicious pasta supper will be available for additional purchase. So plan on enjoying a tasty meal prepared and served by our terrific Confirmands!
All money raised will support Confirmation students attending the ELCA Youth Gathering.
Pastoral Care
If you’d like to meet with Pastor Keyl, please make an appointment through Bethesda’s administrator Leigh Cromey [email protected] or by calling
(203) 787-2346 most weekday mornings. Pastor Keyl can meet at your home, at Bethesda, or over a cup of coffee somewhere.
Prayer Requests
For healing and strength: Ray Bussolini, Pastor Betsy Williams, Les Swenson; Linda Johnson; Paul Denardis, stepson of Gail Denardis; John Ferreira, nephew of Chris Couture; Marie Gray; Sonja Krummrey; Maureen Anderson; Shirley Farm; Anne and Lee Keck; Donna Nardciso, friend of Michaela Natal; Kay Leone; Molly Dinneen; Matthew H., cousin of Tyler Fair
For our partners in the Gospel: the congregations and schools of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (ELCJHL) and LuMin Campus Ministry; for Bethesda House and Yale Divinity School students.
For our Ecumenical Partners Worldwide: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama. The Ecumenical Prayer Cycle takes us through every region of the world over the course of a year.
For Bethesda New Haven: that God continues to guide us into the future with ministries of witness, service, hospitality, and care while building up our community in all its diversity.
For those in candidacy or seeking candidacy for rostered leadership in the ELCA: Natalie Benson, Tyler Fair, Calli Micale, Tim Bergeland