Government and Politics
February 6, 2025
From: Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee SandersLITTLE ROCK, AR - On Thursday, February 6, 2025, the Governor signed into law:
SB61 - An act to authorize veterinary telemedicine in this state; to set certain standards for veterinary telemedicine; and for other purposes.
SB68 - An act to allow veterinary technicians, veterinary technologists, and veterinary technician specialists to go to a location other than the location of the supervising veterinarian to provide services based on an emergency call; and for other purposes.
HB1046 - An act to establish a blue envelope program; and for other purposes.
SB18 - An act to amend Arkansas law concerning reports by the legislative auditor of improper or illegal practices; and for other purposes.
SB56 - An act concerning the evaluation, extension and repeal of administrative rules; and for other purposes.
HB1135 - An act to allow the issuance of a digitized identification card; to amend the law concerning the fee for issuance of a digitized driver’s license or digitized identification card; to declare an emergency; and for other purposes.
SB70 - An act to amend the law concerning standards for insurance policies; to revise the notice requirements of an insurer for a premium increase; and for other purposes.
SB76 - An act to amend the law concerning miscellaneous prohibited practices under the Arkansas insurance code; to clarify the fees collected by certain brokers; and for other purposes.