
City of Chandler News - Chandler’s Family Easter Celebration Hops to a New Location

Government and Politics

March 11, 2023

From: City of Chandler

Chandler’s Family Easter Celebration hops to a new location

Chandler’s Family Easter Celebration is hopping to a new location, Downtown Chandler. Families are invited to join in the fun at the Dr. A.J. Chandler Park: Stage Plaza on Friday, April 7 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Admission is free.  

The 24 Karrot Trail is always popular with children ages nine and under. They can hop along the path with their own Easter baskets to collect eggs filled with candy or prizes. Little bunnies who find an egg with a “golden karrot” will be given a special prize. The 24 Karrot Trail will be open from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., or when the eggs run out. 

Every family who attends can enter to win an eggs-citing Family Easter Basket. The drawing will be at 7:40 p.m. and the winner must be present to win.

Families can also enjoy free carnival games, a prize wheel, free inflatable attractions, performances from local groups and photos with the Easter Bunny. Merchandise, food and beverages will also be available for purchase. 

There is also something special planned for Chandler’s most egg-cellent artists. Pick up this year’s Easter coloring page at any Chandler recreation facility or download it at www.chandleraz.gov/easter. Little artists, ages nine and under, can use their favorite combination of crayons, markers and glitter to create their masterpiece. Hop to it because entries must be submitted by Monday, March 27. Winners, in four age categories, will be announced at the event at 5:45 p.m. 

The 43rd Annual Family Easter Celebration is presented by the City of Chandler in partnership with Waste Management and Lions Club.

For more information, call the Special Events Line at 480-782-2735 or visit www.chandleraz.gov/easter