
City of Clayton : Flushing lines Tuesday, February 14th, Dunlap Area

Government and Politics

February 13, 2023

From: City of Clayton

The City will be flushing a new water line on Dunlap Street on Tuesdayy. This may result in dingy water and fluctuating water pressure on Old 441 South and Dunlap Street. Clayton Ave and Forrester could also experience dingy water. If you are in the area, you may see water flowing from hydrants and valves. This is not a leak and necessary to bring the new line into service. Thank you for your patience!

Posted in News & Notices

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The Boil Water Advisory for Duckett Apartments has been lifted. Thank you for your patience!City Crews will be flushing hydrants in the Dunlap/Old 441 South area on Tuesday, Feb 14th. Customers in the area may experience dingy water and fluctuations in pressure. Some areas of Forrester and Clayton Avenue may be affected. Thank you for your patience.