
City of Dublin News : Join Mayor Hernandez for the Next 'LIVE! with DublinCity Council'

Government and Politics

January 28, 2023

From: City of Dublin

Join Mayor Melissa Hernandez and Councilmember Kashef Qaadri on Monday, February 6, 6:00 to 7:00 p.m., for "LIVE! with Dublin City Council."  Joining the Mayor and Councilmember will be Hazel Wetherford, the City's Economic Development Director, who will share information about new programs to support Dublin's business community. 

"Live! with Dublin City Council" takes place on the first Monday in February, May, August, and November.

Please register for the presentation:



Webinar I.D.:  831 1818 6758

Passcode: 97400170

More information can be found at www.dublin.ca.gov/live.