Government and Politics
February 21, 2023
From: City Of IrvingAs the days grow longer, thoughts may turn to ways to harness the sun’s potential by purchasing solar panels. The process of taking on such a project should begin with three questions:
- Who will do the work?
- Where will the panels be located?
- Is my current electrical system able to handle this technology?
The City of Irving Inspections Department has some tips for those considering an investment in home or business solar panel installation. Contact Inspections for any questions about permits.
Who Will Do The Work?
Always begin with extensive research on any contractor - solar panel or otherwise - offering to do work on your property. In the case of solar, a contractor might be based several hundred miles away or out of state. This can make it extremely difficult to get answers and fix minor issues during the installation and even more difficult after installation is complete. In short, do your homework on the company before signing a contract.
Where Will The Solar Panels Be Located?
In most cases, the panels are located on the roof of the home, and it is important to know the condition of the roof. How old are the shingles? Are the roof rafters in good condition? Can they carry the extra weight?
This is a good time to consider if the roof should be replaced. Once the solar panels are installed, a roof replacement will require the solar panel contractor to come back and remove the panels. After a new roof is installed, the panels will have to be reinstalled. A basic roof replacement can get expensive and complicated quickly.
Is My Existing Electrical System Sufficient?
In newer homes, solar panel installation is not a difficult project. However, the electrical system in an older home may not be in adequate condition to accept new technology. Tying into old electrical panels can create challenges that can unexpectedly cost the homeowner more money down the road, such as a new electrical panel or rewiring the entire house or building.
Extensive research is key to the successful completion of any improvement project. The Inspections Department is available to answer questions by calling (972) 721-2371 or by emailing the Inspections Department. Visit for more information.