
City Of Irving News : Lee And Lively Swimming Pools Update

Government and Politics

February 22, 2023

From: City Of Irving

Built in 1964 and 1959 respectively, Lee and Lively Parks swimming pools have not been operational since the 2019 aquatic season due to the COVID-19 mandated closures in 2020, staffing shortages and significant structural and operational damage caused by the winter weather freeze in 2021.

Assessment Of Pools

In May 2022, an assessment was conducted on Lee and Lively Parks swimming pools to examine all aspects of the pools and determine the existing issues, as well as necessary repairs and costs required to reopen the half-century-old pools to the public. Both pools have exceeded the average lifespan of an outdoor aquatic facility by 20 years.

The assessment found that repairing and updating the outdated pools would cost approximately $5-$6 million. Several issues were identified with each pool, including broken pipes and valves, regulatory/code compliance deficiencies, significant water loss due to cracks and deterioration, old cast iron piping, filtration and mechanical failures, safety concerns and more.

Visit CityofIrving.org/Pools for updates, additional information and other resources.

Public Meetings

Irving Parks and Recreation staff is hosting public meetings for residents interested in learning more about the assessment and pools.

Tuesday, March 7 | 6 p.m.
Lively Pointe Youth Center
909 N. O’Connor Road

Thursday, March 23 | 6 p.m.
Lee Park Recreation Center
3000 Pamela Drive

Master Plan Addresses Future Of Pools

In 2019 the city adopted a Parks and Recreation Master Plan, which included a full assessment and recommendations for all facilities, parks and open spaces in Irving. Conducted by a third-party consulting team, the plan highlighted the operational challenges with maintaining seasonal, traditional swimming pools (including low attendance) and recommended the city explore options that align more with what today’s swimmers and families are looking for: family aquatic centers that combine play and fitness for all ages. The plan includes a strategic approach to aquatics that would address not only improvements to efficiencies, but also aging facility concerns.

More Information

For questions or more information, email [email protected] or call (972) 721-2501.

Visit the Lee and Lively Pools Update page