
City of Longview News City Launches Process To Update Parks Master Plan

Government and Politics

February 1, 2023

From: City of Longview

The City of Longview is in the process of updating the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan, and is seeking public input to guide City Council and the Parks and Recreation Department over the next 5 to 10 years.

A Parks Master Plan was last adopted in March 2015 as a chapter in the Longview Comprehensive Plan. This updated plan will involve a review of current conditions, a forecast for future needs, and a public engagement process. The plan serves as a long-range vision for the future development and programming of the park system and its resources by identifying the priorities. 

“Longview’s parks system has greatly benefitted from previous master plans and most recently the 2015 Parks Master Plan, and this process will ensure its continued growth and success,” Parks and Recreation Director Scott Caron said.  “We need to hear from our residents during this update to ensure the plan reflects the desires of our community.”

Residents can give their feedback online at LongviewTexas.gov/ParksMasterPlan, where they can map suggestions or post to the idea wall.  A community survey will also be available during the update, and in-person feedback opportunities will be held.

For more information, please contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 903-237-1270 or via email at [email protected].

Related Links

Parks Master Plan Website

2015 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan