
City Of Pensacola News : Mayor's Neighborhood Cleanup Collects Over 45 Tons of Bulk Waste

Government and Politics

February 1, 2023

From: City Of Pensacola

The January Mayor's Neighborhood Cleanup collected over 45 tons (90,860 pounds) of bulk waste, along with 65 tires and 750 gallons of paint. The cleanup took place on Saturday, Jan. 28, with 19 loads picked up from the downtown area and portions of surrounding neighborhoods. 

The Mayor's Neighborhood Cleanup allows residents in the cleanup areas to leave eligible items at the curb on cleanup day to be picked up by City of Pensacola Sanitation Services. The cleanup includes bulk items such as household appliances, furniture and mattresses, bicycles and toys, tires and old paint.    

Through the Mayor's Neighborhood Cleanup program, all city neighborhoods have a cleanup once a year during the months of January through October. In addition to Sanitation Services collecting items left at the curb, Code Enforcement conducts a sweep of the cleanup area and addresses any code violations.

For more information about the Mayor's Neighborhood Cleanup Program, visit cityofpensacola.com