
City Of Pine Lake News Brief - January 31, 2023

Government and Politics

February 3, 2023

From: City Of Pine Lake

Pine Lake News Brief
Pursuant to January 31st, 2023 Council Meeting

This News Brief is being sent to those who have signed up for the Pine Lake Directory. If you know someone who would like to sign up, please share this link. The link is also in the contact info on the top of each page of the Pine Lake Website

For additional information on any item in this Brief, use the Contact Us Form.
Our thoughts are with the family of Tyre Nichols.
The City of Pine Lake sends our thoughts and prayers to the family of Tyre Nichols and all the members of the Memphis community who have all been traumatized by recent events.
Pine Lake City Manager ChaQuias Thornton and Chief of Police Sarai Y-hudah-Green are working on a community engagement initiative that fosters positive connectivity between our citizens and the police men and women that serve our communities. The initiative will also encourage collaboration between the City and the police agencies of area cities. The initiative will begin with a Commitment to Community Rededication Event. More information will be forth coming.

Black History Month Starts Today, Feb 1st
As Black History Month begins, we are thinking about our 2nd annual Juneteenth Celebration. We are looking for ideas, performers and volunteers. Please send your ideas and energy using the Contact Us form on the Pine Lake Website.

State of the City – February 23rd
Mayor, Melanie Hammet will present the State of the City in the Beach House at 7:00 PM on Thursday February 23rd. As in previous years, the State of the City celebrates the community, recognizes areas for improvement, and sets goals for the year ahead.  

Mayor and Counsel take “Civility Pledge.”
Council has passed a resolution to practice and Promote Civility. “This pledge demonstrates our commitment against violence and incivility in all their forms whenever they occur in all our meetings and interactions”. All members present took the following pledge:
The way we govern ourselves is often as important as the positions we take. Our collective decisions will be better when differing views have had the opportunity to be fully vetted and considered. All people have the right to be treated with respect, courtesy, and openness. We value all input. We commit to conduct ourselves at all times with civility and courtesy to each other.

Leaf pickup has begun, but rainy weather has slowed the process.
Public works has begun the leaf pickup process, starting with Ridge, Beaver, and a section of Spruce, but the weather has been rather uncooperative. Streets scheduled for service will be announced on the Neighborhood Watch Facebook group prior to the day of their designated operation.

Common Golden Eyed Duck spotted in Pine Lake.
You may have seen small groups of bird watchers gathering around our lake, they are hoping to sight the Common Golden Eyed Duck that has been seen in this area. Be on the look out for this beautiful bird enjoying Arts’ Natural Habitat.

Employment Opportunity – Court Clerk
Pine Lake is accepting applications for the position of Municipal Court Clerk. The Court Clerk is responsible for the coordination of activities of the Municipal Court. The position will also assist with other Administration Office and Police Administration service functions and operations. The position is a full-time, non-exempt position and is under the general direction of the City Administrator.

If you know of anyone interested, please direct them to: Employment Opportunities for additional information and application form.

City Council Meetings
Are the second and last Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Council Chamber / Courthouse at the corner of Forest and Pine. Mask at your own discretion. Agenda Packet for 01/31/2023 Meeting. For additional information on any item in this Brief, use the Contact Us Form.