Government and Politics
March 1, 2023
From: City of Sedona-Department Public Works
-Category RFPs - Public Works
-RFP Number SD-03
-Start Date 03/01/2023 7:30 a.m.
-Close Date 03/28/2023 2:00 p.m.
-RFP Post Status Open
Sealed bids for the construction of the SD-03 Back O' Beyond Low Water Crossing Improvements Project will be received by the Public Works Department, located at 108 Roadrunner Drive, Sedona, Arizona, until 2:00 P.M. local time, March 28, 2023. At that time, bids will be opened and documented. Bid results will be available upon request after opening.
PROJECT: SD-03 Back O' Beyond Low Water Crossing Improvements Project
DESCRIPTION: During previous significant storm events, the at-grade wash crossing of Back O’ Beyond Road would be covered with water, isolating residents in the neighborhood, and visitors to the Cathedral Rock Trailhead. This project calls for installing a 3’ deep by 12’ wide concrete box culvert with headwalls to divert flowing water under the roadway, allowing safer travel for traffic and pedestrians.
PRE-BID CONFERENCE: Pre-bid conference (mandatory) will be held on March 14, 2023, at 2:00 pm. at the City of Sedona Public Works office, 221 Brewer Road. (Moriarty Conference Room).