Government and Politics
February 28, 2023
From: City of ValdezIf you are interested in learning more about how to run for local office and if it is right for you read the “How to Guide for Prospective Candidates” HERE.
There are several vacancies coming up for both City Council and School Board this year and the candidate filing period is currently open. Nominating petitions are now available in the City Clerk’s Office. The following City Council seats will be on the May 2nd ballot:
-2 seats each to serve a 3-year term
-1 seat to serve a 1-year term
Additionally, the following School Board seats need to be filled:
-3 seats each to serve a 3-year term
-1 seat to serve a 1-year term
Candidates for local office must be qualified electors of the city- meaning registered to vote in Valdez. You must also have been a resident of the city for at least one year immediately prior to the date of the filing of petition.
Completed nominating petitions must be returned to the Clerk's Office by March 15, 2023 at 5:00 PM.
You can call the City Clerk’s Office at 907-835-4313 with questions or stop by City Hall during normal business hours to pick up a petition.