Sports and Recreation
September 27, 2023
From: The Connecticut Audubon SocietyGreetings!
Have you been reading Homegrown Habitat?
It’s full of great ideas for gardeners and aspiring gardeners. It has amazing information for people who like birds or butterflies or bees, or all three. Each one concludes with a list of resources that are worth scrolling to.
But don’t scroll: read your way to the bottom.
Homegrown Habitat started last September and quickly became one of the most popular pages on our website.
It's written by Sarah Middeleer, a landscape designer who is also vice chair of Connecticut Audubon’s Board of Directors. Each month she writes about a different native plant.
If you’re already a fan, you don’t need to be convinced. But if you’re not familiar with it, give it a try.
Click the green button below. Thank you!
Best wishes,
Tom Andersen
Communications Director
Read "Homegrown Habitat" Here!
Lights Out Alerts
A billion birds a year die in North America when they crash into buildings.
Connecticut Audubon is part of the Lights Out Connecticut coalition and we’re asking you to help by turning out your lights at night.
If you sign up for our Lights Out alerts, we'll send you a simple text message when radar indicates a big migration night is coming.
Although we’re almost at the end of September, there’s a lot more migration left—sparrows and another round of thrushes are still to come.
You can learn more on our Lights Out page.
Or if you're ready to sign up for the text alerts, click the red button.