Clubs and Organizations
April 12, 2023
From: Prescott National ForestPrescott, AZ -- On April 6, 2023, contract crews began work on the Crooks and Bullseye fuel break projects in the area just south of Palace Station (see map), where 117 acres of hazardous fuels are being cut and stacked creating slash piles for future treatment with prescribed fire. This project is part of the Larger Longfellow Fuels Treatment project and expected to be completed by April 30, 2023.
The purpose of this project is to reduce hazardous fuels, help with reducing the threat of high-severity high-intensity wildfire to the public, adjacent private property, and communities. Thinning treatments has proven to be an effective restoration and management tool. Completion of this project will improve the health and resiliency of fire-adapted ecosystems while simultaneously reducing hazardous fuels that pose a threat to life and property in the Wildland-Urban Interface.
For more information, please contact the Bradshaw & Chino Valley Ranger Districts at 928-443-8000.
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