
Even After Iowa’s Personhood Bill Fiasco, Republicans Keep Playing Games with IVF

Government and Politics

September 17, 2024

Iowa Senators Grassley, Ernst Vote Against Federal IVF Protections 

DES MOINES – On Sep 17th, Senate Republicans made it clear that they do not support IVF treatments after all.  Forget their misleading rhetoric because the action taken on the Senate floor now makes their position clear.

IVF is currently under attack and women’s freedoms have been ripped away in Iowa because Donald Trump overturned Roe v. Wade, allowing Governor Kim Reynolds and Iowa Republicans to implement an extreme six-week abortion ban.

Back home here in Iowa, Republican Congressional Candidates Zach Nunn and Mariannette Miller-Meeks, who are in heavily contested races in Iowa, continue to play games with women’s healthcare.

Both Nunn and Miller-Meeks have refused to sign the Access to Family Building Act, which would protect the right to fertility treatments, and while serving in the state legislature,  both voted for a bill that threatened IVF access.

Miller-Meeks and Zach Nunn have also tried to trick Iowans by co-sponsoring a non-binding resolution that claims to support IVF but realistically does nothing of the sort.

Miller-Meeks also co-sponsored the Life at Conception Act, which bans abortion with no exceptions and effectively bans IVF.

It’s clear that IVF services will still face more scrutiny in Iowa.

The Family Leader lobbyist Chuck Hurley warned Iowans after a six-week abortion ban was deemed constitutional in the state that: “We aren’t done. 14 states now protect life from conception and Iowa should be the 15th.”

Earlier this year, Iowa Republicans introduced a bill aimed at defining an “unborn person” that put IVF services at direct risk.

“Republicans keep playing dangerous political games with healthcare policies that literally decide whether Iowans can start a family. On Sep 17th, Iowa Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst showed once again that Republicans have no interest in creating exceptions to their extreme abortion laws and that they don’t care about the effects that these harmful laws have on Iowans,” said Iowa Democratic Party Chair Rita Hart. “Iowa Democrats have been working hard to get new leaders like Christina Bohannan and Lanon Baccam into Congress to stop this radical Republican agenda and restore women’s rights to make their own medical decisions.”