Arts and Entertainment
January 27, 2024
From: FasnachtHelvetia welcomes you to celebrate our 57th Annual Fasnacht.
An indoor and outdoor event, we invite you to join us from 3p to 10p for a celebration of winter, the changing seasons, and a pre-Lenten tradition that dates back to 1520 in Switzerland. Sometimes called the Mardi Gras of Appalachia, Fasnacht is German for "fasting night," which celebrates a grand feast before a fast. Helvetia's Fasnacht combines the customs of the Swiss Fasnacht and Sechseläuten, a traditional spring holiday celebrated in the Swiss city of Zürich where they burn an effigy of winter to welcome spring.
We will enjoy fatty foods, listen to Swiss & Appalachian tunes, wear homemade masks to scare away Old Man Winter, parade with lampions, and burn an effigy of the Old Man in hopes of a healthy and happy spring.
Please join us for a celebration that is dear to our community. We only ask that you participate with care and tenderness toward our small village. This event is coordinated entirely by a small group of volunteers so please temper expectations and offer a helping hand to any in need.
All proceeds benefit the village's restoration, development, and archives.
All activities are available to those who purchase general admission tickets. Tickets purchased in advance will be available at the will call tent near the Historic Square. Due to popularity, ticket sales on the day of may be limited or unavailable. General admission tickets will receive priority at the dance, but if space allows, dance admission may be purchased at the Community Hall door.
Fasnacht begins!
-- Craft vendors in the Helvetia Community Hall
-- Jam session in the Star Band Hall
-- Museum & Archives open
-- Book sale at the Helvetia Library
Historic Tour
-- Begins outside Star Band Hall ends at Church
History of Fasnacht and Lenten Discussion
-- Inside Helvetia Zion Presbyterian Church
Masquerade & Mask Judging
Lampion Parade
-- Historic Square to bonfire at Community Hall
Burn Old Man Winter
Alpine-Appalachian Square Dance
-- Featuring Tessa Dillon & Band
-- Helvetia Community Hall
Date: February 10, 2024
Time: 3pm to 10pm
Helvetia Historic Square
Pickens Rd
Helvetia, WV 26224
Note: Schedule subject to change.
For details