
First Christian Church Volunteers to Support Families Experiencing Homelessness

Clubs and Organizations

February 26, 2025

In partnership with Family Promise of Greater Phoenix (Family Promise), First Christian Church of Phoenix (FCCPHX) joined the nonprofit’s partner network to provide shelter and meals for local families experiencing homelessness throughout the year. With the support of community members in the congregation, FCCPHX set up shelters at its facility to host families overnight and provides dinner for the families every night of the week. While staying at the congregation, families participate in activities like games, crafts, movie nights and more.

“Our goal at Family Promise is to keep families together as they navigate the most difficult times in their lives. Keeping children with their parents and pets reduces the risk that they find themselves without a home in the future,” said Ted Taylor, Chief Executive Officer at Family Promise of Greater Phoenix. “Volunteer community organizations like First Christian Church of Phoenix make it possible for us to positively impact many families across the Valley. We couldn’t be more thankful for their continued support and service.”

Family Promise of Greater Phoenix, a nonprofit working to end family homelessness by providing struggling families with financial education, employment/housing assistance, and innovative transitional housing projects, relies on its interfaith network of volunteer religious congregations to shelter and feed the families they serve while the nonprofit assists these families on their journey back to self-sufficiency. This community-based model of sheltering families reduces overhead costs so Family Promise can magnify its impact. Through the Family Promise program, parents are provided with resources designed to help families find sustainable jobs and permanent housing while the children attend school.

“We are passionate about serving our community and bringing light to every area of our society,” said Pastor Jerome Parker, Host Coordinator for FCCPHX. “Partnering with Family Promise allows us to address a major societal issue by helping our neighbors in their time of need.”

According to the U.S. Department of Housing, homelessness has been a growing issue in Maricopa County - increasing 23% over the past three years. Experiencing homelessness can have a significant impact on families – particularly for children. The National Alliance to End Homelessness reports that children facing housing insecurity are at a higher risk of emotional and behavioral problems, serious health complications, lower academic performance, and are more likely to experience homelessness in the future. FCCPHX, along with other religious congregations in Maricopa County, is working with Family Promise to help families transition into permanent housing.

At the beginning of the year, Family Promise of Greater Phoenix set a goal to aid 300 families in 2025 by working with their congregational partners and providing families with educational, housing, and employment resources to put them on the path to self-sufficiency. The organization has also helped families avoid placements in shelter systems through their preventative programming. Unlike traditional shelter systems that separate parents from their children, Family Promise keeps families together and supports the entire family, including children and pets. For more information on volunteering with or donating to Family Promise of Greater Phoenix, visit FamilyPromiseAZ.org