
First Quarter Hawai'i Annual Business Reports Due

Government and Politics

January 2, 2025

From: Hawaii Governor Josh Green, M.D.

HONOLULU - The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA) Business Registration Division (BREG) reminds businesses to file their annual business reports. The annual report filing period is related to the business entity’s registration date and can be filed at any time during the quarter in which the filing is due.

Businesses registered in quarter one (January through March) can now file their annual reports online at https://hbe.ehawaii.gov/annuals. Reports due in quarter one must be filed by midnight (HST) March 31, 2025, to avoid a late filing penalty fee.

Fees for filing Hawai?i annual business reports online are as follows:

LLCs, profit corporations and LLPs: $12.50; Nonprofit Corporations: $2.50; and Partnerships: $5.00. Accepted forms of payment online include credit card, eCheck, or through an eHawaii.gov subscriber account.

Businesses are encouraged to monitor their business information online and timely file reports to keep the entity in good standing, which may be a prerequisite for qualifying for contracts, loans and other forms of business assistance. If you are delinquent in filing your Hawai?i annual report(s), you can submit your filing online and a $10.00 late fee will be assessed per year delinquent.

The filing quarters are as follows: first quarter is January through March; second quarter is April through June; third quarter is July through September; fourth quarter is October through December. 

Please be cautious of any correspondence that does not come from the state of Hawai‘i Business Registration Division. BREG does not utilize or endorse the services of any third-party company to collect or file annual business reports. See https://cca.hawaii.gov/breg/public-alerts/ for more information.

Effective January 1, 2023, reminders from the Business Registration Division have transitioned from mailed reminders to an electronic reminder notification system through the MyBusiness Notifications: https://hbe.ehawaii.gov/documents/notify/myNotifications.  

Electronic reminders are available through the following methods:

  • Subscribe for email reminders through the “MyBusiness Notifications” page on Hawai?i Business Express. 
  • Initial business filings filed online through Hawai?i Business Express can receive free email reminders when the annual report is due the following year.
  • Annual business reports filed online can receive free email reminders the following year.

For filing-related questions, please visit www.businessregistrations.com, email [email protected], or call 808-586-2727.