Arts and Entertainment
June 14, 2023
From: Fort Recovery Harvest JubileeWe are excited to announce that we have been working with Be You Boutique on some jubilee apparel!
Wednesday, June 14th, 2023
All Events on the Brickstreet
5:30-10PM - Rain Gauge Raffle
5:30-8:30PM - Beer & Wine Tasting
5:30-8:30PM - Taste of Fort Recovery
7-10PM - Live Music by The Sunburners
8:30PM - 50/50 Drawing
Thursday, June 15th, 2023
6-9 PM – Cooper Kiddie Day
6-9 PM – FR Kiddie Stand Games updated games and prizes!
6-9 PM – Dunk Tank - Dunk Your “FAVORITE” Teacher!
6-9 PM – FR Cub Scouts Food Trailer
6-9 PM – FR Girl Scouts Lemonade Shake-ups
6-10PM - FRYSO Junk Food Stand
6PM – Rides & Amusement (Mechanical Rides and Inflatables/Games)
6-11 PM – Community Club Softball Tournament
6-11 PM – Antique Tractor Display
6-11 PM – K of C Beer Stand
6-11 PM – FR Athletic Boosters Lunch Stand
7 PM – Diaper Derby, Sponsored by the Right to Life*Must be under 1, can pre-register by texting 419.979.2828 OR register day of the event! – PRIZES will be award to the winner!
7:30 PM – Lil' Miss & Mister of the Jubilee, will post details on how to participate soon! Made possible by Cedar + Mane, Sunshine Boutique & The Salty Haven
7:30 PM – Racing for Relief go-cart races in the Grandstands! (Their 1st event of the season!)
8-11 PM – Live Music by Green Sands
9:30 PM – Outdoor Movie, The Sandlot an anonymous donor is putting money towards fun Baseball themed items during the movie!
Friday, June 16th, 2023
5-8PM - FR Kiddie Stand Games updated games and prizes!
5-8PM - Live music by Natalie and Hannah
5-9PM - Dunk Tank Nominate someone today!
5-9PM - FRYSO Junk Food Stand
5-9PM - Antique Tractor Display
5-9PM - FR Girl Scouts Lemonade Shake-ups
5PM - Rides & Amusement (Mechanical Rides and Inflatables/Games)
5PM- Community Club Softball Tournament
5PM- FR Boosters Lunch Stand
5PM- K of C Beer Stand
5PM- Antique Tractor Display
6PM - Sons of the Legion Gambling Tent
6-9PM - FR Cub Scouts food trailer
6-9PM - Bingo
6:30PM - Big Wheel Race (Registration from 5:45-6:15)
7:30, 8:45, 9:30, & 10:15 - Turtle Races
8PM- Adult Haystack Find sign up at Headquarters prior to 8 PM for a chance to participate!
8PM - Pie Baking Contest & Auction
8:30PM-12:30AM - Live Muisc by Big Ginja Band
Saturday, June 17th, 2023
10AM -Battleground Shootout Dodgeball Tournament
10AM - Community Club Softball Tournament
11-5PM - Jungle Island Petting Zoo, come see the Kangaroos, Camel and other exotic animals!
11AM- All day/evening - Rides & Amusement (Mechanical Rides and Inflatables/Games)
11AM- All day/evening - FR Boosters Lunch Stand
11AM- All day/evening - Antique Tractor Display
Sons of the Legion Gambling Tent
11 AM - All day/evening K of C Beer Stand
12-4PM - Character Artist FREE! Sponsored by The Fort Recovery Merchants and Chambers
12PM - Kiddie Tractor Pulls
12:30-5PM - Motorcycle Poker Run (Registration from 12-1)
1 PM Start - Kids Backyard Games
3 PM - Kids Haystack Hunt
1-4PM - Dunk Tank
1-5PM - Vendor Event
1:30-3:30PM - Live Music by Candy Aisenbrey
2PM - Antique & Garden Tractor Pull
2-9PM - FR Cub Scouts Food Trailer
4-8PM - Live Music by 2 Miles Til Empty
6-9 PM - Bingo
7PM - Quarter Auction
7:30, 8:45, 9:30, & 10:15 - Turtle Races
8-8:30PM - Adult Haystack Hunt sign up at Headquarters prior to 8 PM for a chance to participate!
8:30PM-12:30AM - Live Music by 127 North
10PM - Raffle Drawing
10:45PM - Rain Gauge Raffle Drawing get in on the action on Wednesday at the Taste of Town, 1 ticket = 1 entry!
Raffle Tickets
Fort Recovery Jubilee Raffle
Drawing Held: Saturday, June 17th, 2023 at 10 PM
Winners will be announced at the Jubilee!
1st Prize: $1,000
2nd And 3rd Prizes: $500 each
4th And 5th Prizes: $250 each
6th – 10th Prizes: $100 each
Sunday, June 18th, 2023
2PM - Fireman's Parade
Please use the lines provided below to describe the type of unit you will have in the parade, as well as the number of units involved, and size of each entry. For positioning and judging reasons, please indicate if your entry is a float. If your entry does not indicate as being a float, it will not be judged. Any special public announcements that you would like to have announced during the parade describing your entry; please provide a written or typed 15 second scripted summary on a separate sheet of paper or in the space provided below.
Please send your announcement sheet back with this form or e-mail it to any of the parade chairmen as indicated on the first page. Due to conflicts in the past years there will be no alcohol aloud for anyone participating in the parade, also there will be no water balloons, water guns, etc. aloud on any entries. Due to complaints in the past years any violators are subjected to be escorted out of the parade.
3:30-5PM - BBQ Chicken Dinners Pick up at The Fort Recovery American Legion - Presale Only
Purchase online
OR at Mercer Savings Bank, Park National Bank, First Financial Bank, Thobe's Carryout or Miracle Lanes!
4-8PM - Challenger Baseball
Buy Tickets:
Get your PRESALE ride tickets! Thursday night only are $10 and All weekend wristbands are $30!
If you wait until Thursday of the Jubilee, the price is $25/day!
Tickets available on the Jubilee Store or The Committee will be at the ball diamonds (pool park) from 6-8 p.m. on 6/6 & 6/7 with tickets and Chicken Dinner tickets!
Date: June 14-18, 2023
Location: Ambassador Park - 2205 OH-49, Fort Recovery, OH 45846
Click Here For More Information