
Fremont Hispanic Festival 2023

Arts and Entertainment

August 3, 2023

From: Fremont Hispanic Festival

The Fremont Hispanic Festival is a celebration of the culture and heritage of peoples native to Spanish-speaking countries.

During this festival, we are honoring and celebrating the independence days of our neighbors who have cultural roots in Latin America.

Schedule :

August 25, 2023

7:00pm - 9:00pm : Daniel Martinez

Daniel Martinez, Flamenco guitar stylist, composer and teacher hails from Iquitos, Peru. Growing up surrounded by the ocean and the Amazon, Martinez first picked up the guitar as a young teen at the encouragement of his mother. He quickly discovered his natural talent for playing by ear and followed the natural path of a teenage boy pushing the boundaries. It wasn’t until he moved to the United States and enrolled at Union College in Lincoln in 2002 to study English as a Second Language that he started to take his music seriously.

Martinez honed his skills through the mastery of classical guitar training and preparing for and winning national guitar competitions. He has performed in South America, Canada and across the U.S. Today, five solo instrumental recordings later, he is a sought-after instructor and a familiar presence on stages in the region. Martinez is guitar professor at Union College as well as offering private and group lessons for all ages and abilities. Martinez formed the band Jarana in 2009 to amplify the joy and energy of his music. He is featured on the Nebraska Arts Council touring roster and was a Community Supported Artist for the Lincoln Arts Council in 2013. Martinez composed and performed transitional music in his first collaboration with Angels Theatre Company’s production of “Las Hermanas Padilla” March 2014.

Schedule :

August 26, 2023

The parade will take place on Saturday, August 26th from 1 - 2 p.m.

Check in/set up will begin at 11 a.m. that morning.

The parade route is straight down Main Street starting at 1st St heading north to 9th St.

Click Here to Register in parade

Date : August 25, 2023 - August 26, 2023

Location :

John C Fremont City Park

814 N Broad St

Fremont, NE 68025

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