
FY24 Operating Budget Information

Government and Politics

February 10, 2023

From: Town of Brewster

As Town officials continue to work through the Fiscal Year 2024 budget development process, an overview of Town Management’s budget recommendations was presented to the Select Board and Finance Committee at their joint meeting on Monday, February 6th.

The Select Board and Finance Committee met jointly with Department Heads on Wednesday, February 8th to review their specific budget requests, and will be holding the second part of these meetings on Friday, February 10th. Once finalized, the FY24 budget will be presented to Annual Town Meeting in May for approval.

The Town’s FY24 Operating Budget is once again published in an online format, consistent with the Town’s ongoing commitment to make our finances accessible and transparent. Residents can view budget details, reports, and charts by department.Each page includes current year accomplishments, goals for next year, and proposed budget changes. Click here to access the FY24 budget book. If you have any questions about the budget platform, please contact Conor Kenny at [email protected].

Click Here for more information.