
Gov. Gianforte Appoints Scott Herring to Seventh Judicial District Court

Government and Politics

February 10, 2025

From: Montana Governor Greg Gianforte

HELENA, MT – Governor Greg Gianforte on Feb 10th, announced his appointment of Scott Herring to serve on the Seventh Judicial District Court, which includes Dawson, Prairie, McCone, Richland, and Wibaux Counties.

“With a career serving Dawson and Richland counties, Scott is well qualified to use his experience on the Seventh Judicial District Court,” Gov. Gianforte said. “I look forward to and thank him for his continued service to his community.”

Herring graduated from the University of Montana in 1986 and the University of Montana School of Law in 1990. He previously served in the Dawson County Attorney’s Office and as the Glendive City Attorney. He currently serves as Fairview City Attorney and has a private practice.

On November 18, the chief justice of the Supreme Court of Montana notified the governor of a vacancy in the Seventh Judicial District.

On November 20, the governor began soliciting applications from and nominations of any attorney in good standing with the qualifications set forth by law for holding the position of district court judge. The application period closed on December 16.

On December 17, the governor initiated the 30-day public comment period, which concluded on January 16.

On February 3, Governor Gianforte announced an advisory council of attorneys and community leaders in Dawson, Prairie, McCone, Richland, and Wibaux Counties to assist in identifying and reviewing qualified candidates to fill the district court judge vacancy in the Seventh Judicial District. The advisory council held a public meeting to consider applicants and review Montanans’ public comments. The advisory council forwarded two nominees to the governor.

The governor concluded, “I thank the members of advisory council for serving their community and giving their time to review and recommend highly qualified nominees to serve as the new district court judge.”