Government and Politics
March 29, 2023
From: West Virginia Governor Patrick MorriseyCHARLESTON, WV — Gov. Justice announced today he has appointed Denise R. Worley as Commissioner of the West Virginia Bureau of Senior Services.
She will replace Robert E. Roswall, who is retiring after 36 years of service with the bureau, and 11 years as its leader when he was appointed to the position in 2012. Roswall’s retirement is effective March 31, 2023.
“I know Commissioner Worley will do incredible work,” Gov. Justice said. “There's no question in my mind whatsoever. We salute and thank Commissioner Roswall for all those great years, and now it’s Commissioner Worley’s turn. She’s got the ball, and we know she’ll run with it. So, congratulations, and we know you’re going to continue to provide the necessary leadership for this position.”
Gov. Justice introduced Worley, a Beckley native, at his latest Administration Update Briefing.
“I would just like to say that I'm very thankful for this opportunity to serve the seniors here in our great state of West Virginia,” Commissioner Worley said. “I'm looking forward to working with our senior population and am very thankful for this opportunity.”