
Gov. Pillen Commends SCOTUS Overturn of Chevron Doctrine

Government and Politics

June 28, 2024

From: Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen

LINCOLN, NE, June 28, 2024 - Today, Governor Jim Pillen commended the 6-3 decision from the U.S. Supreme Court overturning the Chevron deference doctrine, which broadly required courts to defer to a federal regulatory agency’s own interpretation of laws passed by the people’s representatives in Congress. Conservative legal scholars and critics of unaccountable federal overreach have for decades called for Chevron to be overturned.

“Today is a great day for Nebraska and for the Constitution,” said Gov. Pillen. “Our farmers, ranchers, ethanol producers, manufacturers, food producers, and thousands of other workers and business owners have long suffered under excessive regulations issued by an unchecked federal administrative agency. I commend the conservatives on the Supreme Court for restoring lawmaking power to our democratically accountable branch of government, instead of unelected bureaucrats. Here in Nebraska, we are reining in excessive government regulations with our own ‘Cleaning out the Closets’ initiative, and I am happy to see deregulatory progress at the federal level.”