Government and Politics
December 12, 2024
From: Nebraska Governor Jim PillenLINCOLN, NE - On December 12, 2024, Governor Jim Pillen announced his appointment of Stephen D. Mossman to the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission. Mossman will serve as the representative for District 8 starting Jan. 16, 2025, subject to confirmation by the Nebraska Legislature.
Mossman has been an attorney with Mattson Ricketts in Lincoln since 1989, with expertise in natural resources and environmental law, water law and agricultural law, including zoning and regulation issues. Prior to joining Mattson Ricketts, Mossman was employed by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture and U.S. Senator Dave Karnes.
Mossman’s outside activities include serving as a board member for the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Keep Nebraska Beautiful. He is a member of the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Commission on the Platte River Cooperative Agreement and represents the Nebraska State Bar Association Section dealing with agriculture, natural resources and environment and energy.
Mossman has a degree in journalism and received his juris doctor from the University of Nebraska College of Law.