Government and Politics
March 14, 2025
From: Missouri Governor Mike KehoeJefferson City - On March 14, 2025, in honor of Pilot Grove Area Fire Protection District Deputy Chief Donald R. Kammerich, Governor Mike Kehoe ordered U.S. and Missouri flags be flown at half-staff at government buildings in Cooper County, the Fire Fighters Memorial of Missouri in Kingdom City, and firehouses statewide on Saturday, March 15, 2025, from sunrise to sunset.
“Donald Kammerich’s life was dedicated to his family, hard work and giving back to his Cooper County community,” Governor Mike Kehoe said. “For over 35 years, he put himself at risk to protect others from fires and emergencies as a volunteer with the Pilot Grove Area Fire Protection District. He rose to the rank of Deputy Chief because of his bravery, reliability, and unshakeable commitment to his neighbors and community. Claudia and I are keeping his family and fellow firefighters in our prayers.”
On March 10, Deputy Chief Kammerich, 64, and the Pilot Grove Area Fire Protection District responded to and extinguished two different natural cover fires in the late morning and afternoon. Kammerich suffered a medical emergency in his home and passed away that evening.
The flags will be held at half-staff on the day Deputy Chief Kammerich is laid to rest. To view the Governor’s proclamation, click here.