Arts and Entertainment
February 28, 2024
From: Michael Rosenfeld GalleryIN THE NEWS
Hannelore Baron in The Financial Times
Currently on view at Michael Rosenfeld Gallery, Hannelore Baron is featured this week in a thoughtful review by The Financial Times. Ariella Budick writes:
"Baron made these intimate collages for her own satisfaction, and they have not circulated widely in the decades since she died in 1987. Finally, though, a major crop 56 pieces in all has surfaced at Michael Rosenfeld gallery in New York, offering a rare encounter with a refined, heartfelt and powerful body of work. Small, dense and simmering rather than explosive, these boxes and collages ask viewers for some of the methodical patience that fuelled her labour. They reward careful study and frustrate the quick glance...
The collages reflect a familiarity with prehistoric cave art, Native American petroglyphs, Surrealism, Paul Klee and Baron’s local contemporary, Robert Rauschenberg. She was surely well versed in the Dada assemblages of Kurt Schwitters."