
High Point University -Most North Carolinians Have Positive View of Valentine’s Day Gifts

Schools and Libraries

February 10, 2023

From: High Point University

The latest High Point University Poll finds most respondents (62%) see the gift-giving tradition of Valentine's Day as a positive part of the holiday, while 17% see it as a negative.

The most popular types of gifts typically given for Valentine’s Day are cards (46%), chocolates/candy (44%), a romantic dinner (38%) and flowers (32%). Less popular gifts are stuffed animals (21%), jewelry (18%) and perfume/cologne (17%).

Almost half (48%) of participants said they plan to spend about the same as last year on gifts. About one-quarter (26%) of North Carolina residents plan to spend less and only 17% said they plan to spend more this Valentine’s Day. On average, poll respondents told us they plan to spend $105 this year to celebrate Valentine's Day.

A majority (59%) of North Carolinians said they are currently in a romantic relationship while 37% said they are not. The HPU Poll asked those participants in a relationship how satisfied they are with their current relationship. A large majority (84%) of those in a relationship say that they are either extremely or very satisfied with that relationship, while 13% indicated that they are somewhat satisfied and only 3% said not too satisfied or not at all satisfied.

A majority (51%) of these same respondents said their relationship with their romantic partner stayed about the same in the last year. About two in five (40%) said it had improved and only 8% said that it had gotten worse.

A majority (62%) of North Carolinians said the Valentine’s Day holiday has no influence on the closeness they feel to a romantic partner. A little over one-quarter (27%) said it increases how they feel and only 6% said it decreases how they feel about their partner.

The HPU Poll asked adults in North Carolina about their use of online dating sites or apps, given that Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Of those surveyed, about two-thirds (62%) said they have not used an online dating site or app, while 38% indicated they have used an online dating site or app. More than half (54%) do not personally know anyone who has been in a long-term relationship with or married someone they met through an online dating site or app, while 42% said they do know someone.

NC residents – Current Relationship (January 2023)

As you may know, the Valentine's Day holiday is soon. We would like to ask you some questions about your plans for the holiday. Would you say you are currently in a romantic relationship or not? 

Yes – 59%

No – 37%

Unsure – 4%

NC residents –Relationship Satisfaction (January 2023)

How satisfied are you with your current relationship – extremely, very, somewhat, not too, or not at all satisfied? [Asked only of the n=593 currently in a relationship]

Extremely satisfied – 57%

Very satisfied – 27%

Somewhat satisfied – 13%

Not too satisfied – 2%

Not at all satisfied – 1%

Unsure – 1%

NC residents –Relationship Strength (January 2023)

Overall, would you say your relationship with your romantic partner has improved, gotten worse, or stayed about the same in the last year? [Asked only of the n=593 currently in a relationship]

Improved – 40%

Stayed about the same – 51%

Gotten worse – 8%

Unsure – 2%

NC residents – Relationship Closeness (January 2023)

Generally speaking, do you find that Valentine’s Day increases, decreases, or has no influence on the closeness you feel to a romantic partner?

Increases – 27%

Decreases – 6%

Has no influence – 62%

Unsure – 4%

NC residents – Valentine’s Day gifts (January 2023)

What types of gifts do you typically give for Valentine’s Day? [Respondents could choose more than one option]

Cards – 46%

Chocolates/candy – 44%

Romantic dinner – 38%

Flowers – 32%

Stuffed animals – 21%

Jewelry – 18%

None – 18%

Perfume/cologne – 17%

Other – 6%

Unsure – 3%

NC residents – Valentine’s Day gift-giving (January 2023)

Do you see the gift-giving tradition of Valentine's Day as a positive or negative part of the holiday?

Positive – 62%

Negative – 17%

Unsure – 21%

NC residents – Valentine’s Day gift spending (January 2023)

Compared to last year, do you plan to spend more or less on gifts and other Valentine's Day celebration?

More – 17%

Less – 26%

About the same as last year – 48%

Unsure – 9%

NC residents – Valentine’s Day spending (January 2023)

How much do you think you will spend this year to celebrate Valentine's Day? Mean (average): $105; Calculated based on n=110 numeric responses. 

NC residents – Dating App (January 2023)

Have you ever used an online dating site or app? 

Yes – 38%

No – 62%

Unsure – 0%

NC residents – Dating App Relationship (January 2023)

Do you personally know anyone who has been in a long term relationship with or married someone they met through an online dating site or app?

Yes – 42%

No – 54%

Unsure – 4%

The most recent HPU Poll of 1,006 respondents was fielded by the High Point University Survey Research Center on Jan. 17 through Jan. 21, as an online survey using a panel of respondents recruited and maintained by Dynata. Dynata sent invitations to its panel of N.C. respondents and the SRC collected responses on its Qualtrics platform. The SRC did all data analysis. The online sample is from a panel of respondents, and their participation does not adhere to usual assumptions associated with random selection. Therefore, it is not appropriate to assign a classic margin of sampling error for the results. In this case, the SRC provides a credibility interval of plus or minus 3.3 percentage points to account for a traditional 95% confidence interval for the estimates (plus or minus 3.1 percentage points) and a design effect of 1.1 (based on the weighting). The data is weighed toward population estimates for age, gender, race/ethnicity and education based on U.S. Census numbers for North Carolina. Factors such as question wording and other methodological choices in conducting survey research can introduce additional errors into the findings of opinion polls.

Further results and methodological details from the most recent survey and past surveys can be found at the Survey Research Center website. The materials online include past press releases as well as memos summarizing the findings (including approval ratings) for each poll since 2010.

The HPU Poll reports methodological details in accordance with the standards set out by AAPOR’s Transparency Initiative, and the HPU Survey Research Center is a Charter Member of the Initiative.