
Hingham DPW Storm Drain Investigation - Woodard and Curran / Stacey DePasquale Engineering

Government and Politics

February 21, 2023

From: Town Of Hingham

Dear Resident, 

The Hingham Department of Public Works is conducting a storm drain investigation program to update mapping. This work will support the Town’s ongoing Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) investigation program to find and remove illicit discharges in the Town’s storm drainage system. Illicit discharges are direct connections or indirect discharges into the municipal storm drain system that are not composed entirely of stormwater. 

Hingham is authorized by the State and the EPA to discharge stormwater runoff into local waterways in accordance with the Clean Water Act. It is our responsibility to meet these conditions and prevent sewage or other pollutants from entering our stormwater drainage system.

The Town will continue its mapping and IDDE program by monitoring the stormwater collection system (catch basins and manholes) and discharge points (outfalls), as required by the Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Permit. The results of this work will be used to direct IDDE catchment investigations of stormwater manholes to identify and remove confirmed illicit discharges from our storm drainage system. In order to perform the investigations, crews may need to access private property. The engineering firms Woodard & Curran and Stacey DePasquale Engineering will be conducting this work on our behalf and will be wearing proper identification. 

If you have any questions regarding mapping and IDDE investigations or crew activity, please do not hesitate to contact the Department of Public Works at (781) 741-1430.

-- Randy Sylvester

Superintendent of Public Works