
Hobnobben Film Festival 2024

Arts and Entertainment

September 27, 2024

From: Hobnobben Film Festival

Hobnobben Film Festival is an annual Film Festival presented by Fort Wayne Cinema Center. Our festival connects filmmakers, film lovers, and the film-curious by illuminating the kaleidoscope of human experience through storytelling that projects ideas, conversations, and relationships beyond the cinema walls.

Schedule Of Events

October 3, 2024

6:00 pm - 10:00 pm : Opening Night - Spectator Lounge and Main Theater  

These ten shorts showcase a wide variety of stories, characters, and themes. Together, they showcase the depth and versatility of Indiana storytelling, making this block a celebration of homegrown talent.

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm : Opening Night Shorts - Main Theater 

Short Films: A Warm Meal, Order for Brulie, Destiny, Stacks, Beyond Silence, We Will Find a Way, Samuel Plato: Preserving a Legacy, The Escort, The Roommate

8:45 pm - 10:00 pm : Opening Night Feature: Last Days of Summer - Main Theater

In a sleepy midwestern neighborhood where nothing exciting ever happens the girl next door goes missing. This is the first feature film from Indianapolis filmmaker, Alex Rodgers.

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October 4, 2024

11:00 am - 12:00 pm : The Exchange - In White America. Kaukauna & King 50 Years Later - Main Theater

This is the story of an exchange between Black and White high school students in Wisconsin in 1966, during the Civil Rights Movement. The participants lived in each other's homes, attended classes in each other's schools, and performed the groundbreaking play In White America in both cities. For some of the students from Kaukauna, it was the first time they had ever seen Black people in person. For the Black and White students from Milwaukee, it was their first experience living in a small, all-white town in central Wisconsin.
More than 50 years later, a new generation of high school students restages the play. Hear all their stories in this documentary.

11:15 am - 12:45 pm : NATURE'S PLACE + PANEL DISCUSSION - Spectator Lounge

Nature forms the backbone of our economy, society, and our very survival. Explore one woman's deep connection with forests and trees, the terrifying lives of wasps, how someone's relationships with birds can reflect their place in the world, and learn more about one of the most misunderstood, and surprisingly adorable, marsupials.
Stay following the block of films for a short panel conversation.
Short Films: Between Earth and Sky, Sandcastle: The Secret Life of Wasps, The Splint, Shorebirds, FÁR, Playing Possum.

12:15 pm - 1:45 pm : FROM ONE GENERATION TO ANOTHER - Main Theater

Where did we come from, where will we end up, and who will we impact along the way? From the unconditional love between pets and their owners to the complex bonds between grandmothers, mothers, and (grand)daughters, each of these seven short films invites audiences to reflect on the multifaceted nature of family connections and the impact of personal struggles on these relationships.

Short Films: Ah-Mà: A Tale of Two Generations, Misu-Misu, No More Sad Songs, The Weight of A Dog, Autumn, And that's for this Christmas

1:00 pm - 2:45 pm : LIVING…EVEN WHEN IT'S HARD - Spectator Lounge

Things that are tough: Being a woman, poverty, seeing your loved ones struggle, feeling stuck, and having options available taken away instantly. Things that are incredibly well done that you need to see: All of the films in this block.

Short Films: Courage, Skettel, The Invisible Crown, Hemorrhage, You Deserve it, Remember Me

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm : ARTISTS GOTTA ART + PANEL DISCUSSION - Main Theater

Art has the power to open our minds to fresh perspectives, ideas, and values. It can transport us to the past for reflection or propel us into the future with new insights. The art and artists showcased in these eight short films are visually stunning, deeply connective, and demonstrate the profound impact that various mediums can have on us, whether it be film, poetry, sculpture, sartorial style, music, or more. Following the film, we will have a panel conversation with the filmmakers on their films and about art and artists in Fort Wayne.

Short Films: 3 Poems by Dickinson, Le Son des Pinces (The Sound of the Claws), Layered Like a Wig: Bryan Ballinger, Top Secret Jazz, Finding Venus, Kimono, My Grandmother's Story, Sack Race With Knives: The Curious Art of Kevin Titzer

4:15 pm - 5:30 pm : IRANIAN FILM SHOWCASE - Main Theater

The five films in this block highlight rich characters and offer a window into the complexities of Iranian society. Watch as a woman creates a birthday meal for her daughter and adjusts as the awful happens, a young child struggles with his family, a father and daughter attempt to work through generational differences, a woman tries to resist oppression, and another person seeks to find themselves and community in a parking garage.

Short Films: The Steak, Yashar, Sordine, The Sunset of Green Snails

5:45 pm - 6:45 pm : DARK & TWISTY & (SOMETIMES) PRETTY FUN - Main Lounge

Zombies, cuckoo clocks, singing pastries, epic fights, murder, and the inevitable corruption that comes with absolute power and privilege! Fun times. You’re allowed to laugh during some of these six short films that will allow you to dive into your dark and twisty side.

Short Films: Onward Ye Costumed Souls, Cuckoo, Cakes!, The Taken, Bin Day, Nothing in the Middle of Nowhere

7:00 pm - 7:30 pm : Awards Ceremony + Party - Spectator Lounge

Celebrate all the nominees and the winners! Don’t miss this chance to honor creativity, talent, and storytelling at its finest during the Awards Ceremony, followed by a catered party and networking opportunity in the same space, the Spectator Lounge.

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October 5, 2024

12:45 pm - 2:30 pm : Loud Enough + PANEL DISCUSSION - Main Theater

In the shadow of the fifth year anniversary of the #MeToo movement, this intimate, personal film following a sexual assault survivor and her family explores and reflects the Herculean effort still required in America for a survivor of sexual violence and their loved ones to hold an attacker and the judicial system accountable. Join us for a panel conversation about the film and how it relates to Fort Wayne and the state of Indiana.

2:45 pm - 4:15 pm : COMING OF AGE: ACROSS THE GLOBE - Main Theater

Each of these five short films explores the universal quest for self-understanding. They present a rich tapestry of stories that reflect the multifaceted process of maturing and carving out one's unique path while grappling with identity, friendship, family dynamics, love and relationships, and societal expectations.

Short Films: Sunflower Girl, Ritual for the Rainbow, A Joke

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm : BLACK STORIES IN THE AMERICAS - Spectator Lounge

These three films shed light on the rich yet often oppressive experiences of Black people in the Americas. Blueprint for My People lyrically intertwines poetry with contemporary imagery and rare 19th-century cyanotypes, offering a poignant reflection on the African-American experience. Nyanga tells the powerful story of an enslaved man’s fight for freedom. How to Sue the Klan chronicles the courageous efforts of women and a young civil rights lawyer as they seek justice against the KKK for their violent crimes.

Short Films: Blueprint for My People, Nyanga, How to Sue the Klan

4:30 pm - 5:45 pm : PARTY QUEENS - Main Theater

Hampus Klang, the guitarist for the hard rock band BULLET, leads a life that starkly contrasts with the rock-and-roll lifestyle often associated with his profession. While on tour with his band, Klang's true passion reveals itself in the Swedish countryside where he dedicates his time to raising and showing chickens. Competing in poultry shows, Klang's ambition drives him to innovate, even creating his own breed known as Party Queens, which are uniquely tailored to embody his hard rock spirit. This warm and engaging documentary explores the duality of Klang’s life, highlighting his pursuit of happiness and success in two seemingly disparate worlds. It ultimately reveals that these worlds might not be as different as they appear, showing that true fulfillment often lies in embracing one's passions across various facets of life.

7:15 pm - 8:30 pm : SATURDAY NIGHT SCARIES - Spectator Lounge

For those looking for a spooky and scary Saturday night, this block is right up your alley. These seven films take you on eerie adventures where characters encounter parents with dark secrets, nosey neighbors, voices from beyond, demons - both literal and metaphorical and - most horrendously - navigate the perils of camping with an influencer (shudder).

Short Films: Yikes!, Glamping, Forever Flowers, Pretty Hands, You're on Your Own, Kid, Strange Creatures, Chute

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October 6, 2024

11:00 am - 12:45 pm : FINDING HOME + PANEL DISCUSSION - Main Theater

These narrative and documentary shorts explore the unique, yet universal struggles, of immigrants throughout the world as they face hurdles unique to their circumstances: from trying to follow your passion, to doing what you think is best for your children, to trying to reunite your family from a continent away.

Stay following the film for a conversation about the films and about the communities and resources available to immigrants in Fort Wayne and Indiana.

Short Films: Gabriela, Go in Peace, Expanding Sanctuary, The Poem We Sang

11:15 am - 12:45 pm : TOUGH TOPICS: FROM LIFE TO DEATH - Spectator Lounge

Grief is a profound and transformative emotion that deeply impacts those who experience it. Each of these four fictional shorts delves into the intimate and personal journeys of individuals grappling with the death of a loved one. Through their stories, we witness the unpredictable ways in which grief can manifest, revealing the raw and often hidden struggles that accompany the process of mourning.

Short Films: Blue Hour, Scherben, As Easy As Closing Your Eyes, Last Call

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm : EMBRACING THE SPECTRUM OF LIFE + PANEL DISCUSSION - Spectator Lounge

Whether you're a normie, on the spectrum, or have a physical or intellectual disability, your stories deserve to be told and celebrated. These narrative and documentary films explore the full spectrum of human experience, highlighting the importance of connection and inclusion for everyone.

Stay following the film for a panel discussion about the films and about resources and communities available in Fort Wayne and the region.

Short Films: Breaking Normal, Unsorted, Can't Wait to See You, Love Sweet Sound, El color de la habitación, Saving Superman, Nuestro Reino

2:45 pm - 4:15 pm : MAKING THE JOURNEY - Main Theater

Migration shapes societies, cultures, and economies as individuals and communities seek new beginnings in unfamiliar territories, bringing with them their unique experiences, skills, and traditions. The journey, however hopeful, can be fraught with unimaginable hardships and dangers. These five short films delve into the challenging process of migration and the courage of those who dare to make the journey.

Short Films: Forsaken, Abrazo, Beirut 2030, I Promise You Paradise, Eldorado

3:15 pm - 4:30 pm : DADDY ISSUES - Spectator Lounge

The relationships we have, or don’t have, with our parents can shape the way we navigate the world. In these five films, experience a wide representation of paternal relationships: a woman discovering a connection to music and her stepfather after his passing, a couple that is forever changed by a knock on their door, a father struggling with his morals and protecting his son, a man seeking connection with his father, and a woman grappling with her elderly father's request.

Short Films: The High Life, Simon, The Only Son, Cottage Grove, In 100 Years

4:30 pm - 6:30 pm : This Town Rocked - Main Theater

A community of misfits converged in the late 80's and early 90’s Fort Wayne, Indiana to create a punk scene that shook stages, bar floors and changed a city forever.

4:45 pm - 6:15 pm : Game Over - Spectator Lounge

Wojtek, an unemployed gamer, receives a court order to leave the house of his mother, Joanna, within a month. Upon returning home an argument occurs between them, after which Wojtek finds Joanna unconscious at the entrance to the staircase. The diagnosis shows a brainstem injury, resulting in the so-called "locked-in syndrome. Joanna is conscious, but other than eye movements she is unable to move. Her chance of recovery can be increased by expensive rehabilitation. Wojtek is forced to take matters into his own hands.

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Date: October 3-6 2024


Cinema Center

437 E Berry St # 1,

Fort Wayne, IN 46802

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