
Hollis Selected As 2024 John Lewis Youth Leadership Award Recipient

Government and Politics

January 17, 2025

From: Delaware Governor Matt Meyer

Secretary of State Jeff Bullock announced that Aa’Khai Hollis, a resident of Wilmington, has been selected for the prestigious 2024 John Lewis Youth Leadership Award. The award, in honor of the late Congressman John Lewis, recognizes a gifted, civic-minded young Delawarean who has demonstrated leadership abilities, has a passion for social justice, and is improving the quality of life in their community.

“Aa’Khai’s leadership and advocacy will undoubtedly inspire future generations,” said Secretary of State Bullock. “Through his commitment to empowering youth, and efforts to create change in his community, Aa’Khai embodies the same principles and values of the late Congressman John Lewis.”

The John Lewis Youth Leadership Award was established in 2021 by the National Association of Secretaries of State to honor the extraordinary accomplishments of the late Congressman John Lewis. His courageous achievements during the Civil Rights Movement and his long tenure of public service have inspired and will continue to inspire Americans for generations to come.

Hollis has been recognized for his role in driving legislative change. He played an active part in the passage of House Bill 198, which mandated the inclusion of Black history and culture in Delaware’s K-12 school curriculum. The bill, championed by former State Representative Sherry Dorsey Walker, was signed into law by Governor John Carney in 2021.

“I’m so grateful to be honored in such a positive light. My endeavors for change have taught me that if there isn’t a seat at the table, you should pull one up and make your voice heard. My work isn’t done for me but done for all the young black youth that look like me, said Aa’Khai Hollis, 2024 John Lewis Youth Leadership Award Recipient. “The late Congressman John Lewis was a champion of freedom and I’m grateful to be seen as such.”

During his time at St. Georges Technical High School, as President of the Black Student Union, Hollis organized the State of Delaware’s first Black Student Summit alongside Delaware’s Racial Justice Collaborative. This annual event was designed to empower Black student leaders and their allies while providing a platform for young leaders to advocate and create change in their communities. In his capacity as Black Student Union President, Hollis helped his school district form a multicultural task force of staff and students aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion. In March of 2024, Hollis was nominated by his peers to deliver the keynote address during the 3rd annual Black Student Summit, in which he encouraged participants to take control of their narratives to embrace their potential as agents of change.

Hollis was nominated for the award by Ms. Raina Harper Allen, a community leader and advocate in combating systemic racism in public and private organizations across Delaware. She is the former Director of the Delaware Racial Justice Collaborative (DRJC) at the United Way of Delaware.

“As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. King and the Honorable John Lewis, it is fitting that we also lift up one of our young people striving towards the mark. Aa’Khai Hollis regularly gets into good trouble. I am thrilled that he is being recognized for his leadership and service. Thank you to Aa’Khai for his investment in our community’s present and future,” said Raina Harper Allen.

Hollis is a junior at Bowie State University (BSU) majoring in health service administration with a minor in public policy. At BSU, he founded the Men of Color Alliance, a campus organization focused on supporting and amplifying the voices of men of color. His achievements include receiving national recognition as a member of AT&T’s Dream in Black Rising Future Makers Class of 2023, an initiative that recognizes and supports students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) that have influenced change in their communities and on college campuses. Additionally, Hollis was selected to participate in the 2023 HBCU Scholar Recognition Program by the White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Opportunity through HBCUs.

Nominations for the John Lewis Youth Leadership Award are open in the fall of each year.

Eligibility requirements for the Award include:

  • The nominee must be a resident of the State of Delaware.
  • The nominee must be 25 years or younger by the close of the application submission window.
  • The nominee is recognized in their community for being civic-minded and improving the quality of life in their community.
  • The nominee has shown a meaningful commitment to address civil rights issues, including but not limited to voting rights, and to authentically bring about positive change in his or her community.

Submissions for nominations for the 2025 John Lewis Youth Leadership Award will open later in the year. To learn more about the John Lewis Youth Leadership Award, visit de.gov/johnlewisaward