
Irony Alert! NC Democrats Hosting 'Unity' Dinner

Government and Politics

July 19, 2024

Believe it or not... the North Carolina Democratic Party is hosting a "Unity" Dinner on Saturday.

Yes, the party that is actively melting down over its Presidential candidate (who is also the sitting President) is holding a "Unity" Dinner.

It gets better. The guest at this "Unity" Dinner? None other than NANCY PELOSI!

The featured guest at their "Unity" Dinner is currently stepping up a pressure campaign to remove Joe Biden from the ballot and told him he would take the House down is coming to North Carolina to promote "Unity" among Democrats.

Democrats want to disenfranchise voters not just in North Carolina, but across the nation and replace their incumbent president with a ticket not a single primary voter voted for.

If this is "Unity" for them I can't imagine what it looks like when they're divided.

On the other hand, Republicans are more unified than ever behind President Donald J. Trump, Senator JD Vance, and Republicans up and down the ballot.

As we saw over the past week at the RNC, it's all love and all focus on winning in November to deliver for our nation.

Republicans have made clear we are the party of the working men and women of America, the party who will Make America Safe and Strong Again, and the party who will save our country and restore the American Dream for all families.

"Republicans are united behind President Trump and Senator JD Vance to save America and make live better for the American people. Whether it's Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, or any other Democrat that gets chosen by party elites, Americans saw this week their next Commander-in-Chief on stage in Milwaukee," said NCGOP Communications Director Matt Mercer. "Help is on the way and the Trump-Vance Administration will Make America Great Once Again."