Government and Politics
January 30, 2023
From: Kansas Governor Laura KellyGovernor Kelly Delivers 2023 State of the State Address, Outlines Priorities for Second Term
"That’s why I’m asking you tonight (Jan 27th) to, again, meet me in the middle. On so many issues facing our state – from tax relief to water to health care – the best solutions aren’t Republican or Democrat. They’ll come from compromise and collaboration… finding common-sense, and middle-of-the-road solutions.
Over the next four years, we must see each other as partners, not as foes, to build on all we’ve accomplished in the last four years. Together, we will make Kansas the very best place in America to raise a family."
Governor Kelly Discusses Axing Your Taxes Plan, Visits YWCA
“By eliminating the sales tax on food, feminine hygiene products, and diapers – costs that disproportionately impact Kansas women – we’re putting money back in Kansans’ pockets and easing a financial burden too many of our families face. Eliminating those taxes in addition to providing Kansas parents with a tax holiday on school supplies will alleviate some of the stress facing parents and educators every August.”
Governor Kelly Speaks to Kansas Water Authority About Preserving Water Supply
“The hard truth is the only way we can continue that success is if we act now to preserve our water for future generations. So many Kansans and Kansas businesses rely on abundant water, and we cannot find a sustainable solution without their buy-in.”