Government and Politics
February 14, 2023
From: Kansas Governor Laura KellyExtending this from the KS Office of Broadband Development (KOBD).
I hope you will mark your calendars to participate AND please do extend the invitation to others in your community and your circles to participate in KOBD’s Roadshow for critical broadband and digital inclusion conversations across Kansas in the coming weeks. The KOBD team is undertaking an “all hands” effort to engage communities and inform a plan to #ConnectAllKansans which involves identifying unserved, underserved and critical digital inclusion needs for Kansans.
We hope you’ll join KOBD and inform their efforts to identify affordability, access, and digital adoption gaps across Kansas and help shape the states programmatic approach to leveraging the funds allocated to Kansas thru the NTIA’s Broadband Equity Access and Deployment and Digital Equity Act Grant Programs.
Can we count you “IN”? Additional details on the KOBD website here! Hope to see you there!
Job Vacancy Announcements
The State of Kansas has released a job vacancy announcement for the Executive Director position for the Kansas Hispanic-Latino American Affairs Commission (KHLAAC). Please feel free to share with others
The Intrust Bank job vacancy list is attached for your use. Please feel free to share with others.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield has listed some new vacancy listings on their website. Please feel free to share with others.
Special Needs Trust Basics Training
Are you a parent, grandparent or caregiver of a child or adult with a disability? Are you concerned about planning for your loved one's financial future or not sure how to start? In this presentation we will discuss Special Needs Trust basics and what you need to know to create a successful financial plan for your loved one. The Shawnee County Community Developmental Disability Organization (CDDO) is holding a presentation on April 13, 2023 at 6:00 pm at their location at 2701 SW Randolph Avenue in Topeka. For more information email [email protected].
This message is from the World Institute on Disability (WID).
We Want Your Ideas: Listening and Learning to Build Towards 2033
This year, WID celebrates our 40th anniversary! While we are very proud of this achievement and what has been accomplished within global disability rights, much work still needs to be done to eliminate the barriers faced by people with disabilities around the world.
This milestone anniversary is an important opportunity for WID to listen, learn, and gather insight and opinions from a variety of people like you through a series of virtual, one-hour strategic planning sessions.
With your input, WID will sharpen our focus, make strategic planning decisions, and dedicate resources over the next ten years and beyond.
Your participation in this process will help WID to accelerate our global campaign to achieve equity, accessibility, inclusion, and justice for all.
Please complete the sign-up form to share your interest in participating in one of our virtual moderated group discussions - the form should take about 5 minutes to complete. Please email us at [email protected] if you need assistance to complete this form.
Sign Up to Participate in Our Virtual Conversations
Learn more about WID
World Institute on Disability,
3075 Adeline Street, Suite 155
Berkeley, CA 94703