Government and Politics
February 28, 2023
From: Kansas Governor Laura KellyAs we enter March, this marks the beginning of severe weather season here in the Midwest (the week of 3/6 is Severe Weather Awareness week for Kansas and Missouri, and towards the end of the month for Iowa and Nebraska) and attached is a Severe Weather Awareness toolkit that we wanted to provide.
Please feel free to use any of this information when communicating to your constituents/partners about the importance of planning/preparing for severe weather.
Thanks and let me know if you have any questions.
Best Regards,
Georgette K. Wallace
Regional Disability Integration Specialist (RDIS) |Region 7
Office: (816) 283-7046|Mobile: (202) 549-5681
[email protected]
Federal Emergency Management Agency
This press release is from the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS).
For Immediate Release: 2.28.2023
Contact:??Cara Sloan-Ramos [email protected] ??
KDADS Announces $66 Million in Facility and Workforce Training Expansion Grants
TOPEKA – The Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services today announced $66 million has been made available through the Strengthening People and Revitalizing Kansas (SPARK) Executive Committee and State Finance Council to close service gaps in the continuum of care by addressing statewide shortages of health and behavioral health services and the state’s increasing demand for a well-trained healthcare workforce.
The funds, approved by the State Finance Council in December, are available to service providers, educational institutions, local units of government, and non-profit organizations to specifically address three program areas: expansion of health care facilities; expanding the reach of current service providers; and workforce training expansion.
“The $66 million in SPARK funding allocated to KDADS can make a significant difference in expanding access to services by funding new facilities, program expansions, and workforce training,” KDADS Deputy Secretary of Hospitals and Facilities Scott Brunner said. “KDADS is excited to put these funds to use in communities across Kansas to meet the needs of people with mental illness, disabilities, and long-term care needs.”
Applicants must specify which of the following three program areas their proposal addresses:
Program 1: Expansion of health care facilities. KDADS seeks applications from service providers, local units of government, established partnerships of providers, or non-profit organizations to expand health care facilities. The facility expansion must result in more services being delivered within a defined geographic area or clearly increase service capacity through more licensed bed space, expanded treatment facilities, or additional credentialed providers. Expanded health care facilities must deliver more services in one or more of the following areas:
• Behavioral health
• Services for adults or children in acute psychiatric crisis
• Forensic evaluation and restoration for criminal competency cases
• Community based services for individuals with disabilities that would otherwise require nursing facility level of care
Program 2: Expand reach of current service providers. KDADS seeks applications from Medicaid enrolled service providers to deliver Medicaid services through innovative delivery models using technology to expand the reach of current service providers or to reach additional Medicaid eligible beneficiaries. Grantees must describe how their proposed intervention expands access to services for underserved individuals or communities.
Program 3: Workforce Training Expansion. KDADS seeks applications from providers, local units of government, educational institutions, or non-profit organizations to expand workforce training. Workforce training expansion must result in an increase in students being trained to serve in the medical field. Grantees must document the number of trainees and how they will impact the future health care workforce.
KDADS’s application process is open now, with submissions closing March 17 at 5:00 p.m. and awards announced March 29.
Applicants and any questions regarding the funding opportunity should be submitted to [email protected]. More information about this funding opportunity and the complete Request for Application can be found on the KDADS website:
Celebrating Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month: Let’s Partner with Councils on Developmental Disabilities!
Good morning colleagues,
The AoD Disability Employment TA Center's National Community of Practice (CoP) webinar, "Celebrating Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month: Let’s Partner with Councils on Developmental Disabilities!", will be hosted Tuesday, March 14 2023, from 3:00-4:00 P.M. Eastern Time.
Come join the DETAC as we celebrate Developmental Disabilities (DD) Awareness month in March with our partners from the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities (NACDD). This webinar will provide an overview of the role DD Councils play in leading systems change within communities across the country. Additionally, we will drill down to learn more about the innovative employment initiatives from DD Councils in the states of California and South Carolina. Participants will learn the value of partnering with a DD Council in your state as we work together to advance employment opportunities and outcomes for people with DD.
Cherie Moon
TA Manager, National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
Donna Meltzer
CEO, National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities
Registration is required.
We look forward to your participation!
An accessible Word Document version of this flier is attached below.
This information is from the Employment First Colorado.
View this email in your browser
Exploring Gamification and Serious Games as a Method in Vocational Training and Rehabilitation
My name is Joseph Samour. I serve as the Rehabilitation Counseling Trainee for the JFK Partners Leadership in Education of Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) program through the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. Pleased to e-meet you!
Over the past couple of months, I have been researching gamification and the use of serious games in vocational training and rehabilitation for individuals with neurodevelopmental disabilities (ND). I am excited to announce that I will be presenting this research via a webinar in partnership with the Colorado Office of Employment First (COEF) and would love to have you attend! The presentation will serve as a call to attention for more research in gamified approaches to vocational rehabilitation, and will provide exploratory research within this field to use for people with ND, including:
1. Differences between gamification and serious games
2. Assistive technologies from peer-reviewed research
3. First-hand accounts of gamified interventions used in rehabilitation
4. A demonstration of gamification
I look forward to seeing you on Thursday, March 9th, 2023; 12:00-1:00pm MST!
This information is from the State Exchange on Employment and Disability (SEED)
Federal Grant & Funding Opportunities
The State Exchange on Employment & Disability (SEED) has curated a non-exhaustive list of federal grants to inform state and local governments of the funding opportunities available to further inclusive workforce development, career readiness and employment supports in their states. Please note that the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) does not endorse these opportunities, unless otherwise specified.
View all federal grant opportunities.
DOL Grants: Learn About Resources Available this Year
Tuesday, February 28, 2023 | 10-11 a.m. EST
The Department of Labor administers a variety of grants, which aim to connect, protect, train, support and empower workers and job seekers, at home and abroad.
Hear from Department of Labor leadership and staff across grant-making agencies and program offices to learn about the grant programs and funding opportunities available at the Department, how to prepare, partner or apply and how to stay informed throughout the year as funding opportunities become available.
Grant & Other Funding Opportunities
The following state and local funding opportunities are listed by application due date.
Adult Reentry Program
Funded by HHS’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Posted 1/6/2023 | Due 3/6/2023
Funding from this program expands substance use disorder treatment and related recovery services to adults with mental health conditions reentering the community and returning to their families after being incarcerated.
Adult Reentry Program Notice of Funding Opportunity
Areas of Persistent Poverty Program
Funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
Posted 1/9/2023 | Due 3/10/2023
This funding opportunity provides resources to areas experiencing long-term economic distress seeking to expand or improve public transit options.
Areas of Persistent Poverty Program FY 2023 Notice of Funding Opportunity
Funded by DOL’s Employment & Training Administration (ETA).
Updated 1/9/2023 | Due 3/10/2023
This grant seeks to fund intermediary organizations, as well as governments, schools and nonprofits, to prepare justice-involved youth and young adults for work through placement in paid work experiences.
Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program
Funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Posted 7/7/2022 | Due 3/17/2023
This program supports the training and professional development of library and archives professionals; develops faculty and information leaders; and recruits, educates and retains the next generation of library and archives professionals in order to develop a diverse workforce and meet the information needs of their communities.
Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program Overview
Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Disability in Rural Communities
Funded by HHS’ ACL.
Posted 1/30/2023 | Due 3/31/2023
This funding generates new research-based knowledge that can be used to improve employment, health and function and community living and participation outcomes for people with disabilities living in rural communities.
Advanced Nursing Education Workforce Program
Funded by HHS’ HRSA.
Posted 2/17/2023 | Due 4/7/2023
This program will increase the number of nurses trained and prepared to provide primary care services, mental health and substance use disorder care, and/or maternal health care.
Funding is designated for tuition and other training supports for students, building academic-clinical partnerships, and continuing to develop and sustain clinical faculty and preceptors.
DOL Building Pathways to Infrastructure Jobs Grant Program
Funded by DOL’s ETA.
Forecasted 2/22/2023 | Due 4/23/2023 (estimated)
This grant funds public-private partnerships to develop, strengthen and scale promising and evidence-informed training models in industries and occupations critical to meeting the goals of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and to maximize the impact of these historic investments.
Funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services & Office of Special Education Programs
Posted 2/23/2023 | Due 4/24/2023
This grant helps address state-identified needs for personnel preparation in special education, early intervention, related services and regular education to work with children, including infants, toddlers and youth with disabilities; and ensure that those personnel have the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully serve these populations.
Alzheimer's Disease Programs Initiative - State and Community Grant Program
Funded by HHS’ ACL.
Posted 2/23/2023 | Due 4/24/2023
Grant funding intends to support and promote the development and expansion of dementia-capable home and community-based service systems in states and communities. There are two application options contained in this single announcement. Program activities under either option are expected to provide quality, person-centered services and supports that help individuals living with dementia and their caregiver remain independent and safe in their communities.
Funded by HHS’ HRSA.
Forecasted 4/1/2023 | Project Start Date 9/1/2023 (estimated)
This program intends to increase the number of behavioral health providers prepared to address the needs of children, adolescents, and transitional aged youth in high need, high demand areas.
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) Education and Workforce Program
Funded by the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DoD) Office of Naval Research.
Posted 12/27/2022 | Due 9/1/2023
This grant funds formal or informal STEM education programs and activities that develop learners’ knowledge of and interest in STEM/STEM careers, improve mentor/educator quality, improve the capacity of institutions to promote STEM fields and more.
Related grant opportunities include:
• Future Scholars for STEM Workforce Development Programs
Disaster Recovery National Dislocated Worker Grants to Address the Opioid Crisis
Funded by DOL’s ETA.
Posted 9/14/2018 | Due 1/1/2024
The purpose of these grants is to enable eligible applicants to create disaster-relief employment to alleviate the effects of the opioid crisis in affected communities, as well as provide employment and training activities, including supportive services, to address economic and workforce impacts related to widespread opioid use, addiction and overdose.
Related grant opportunities include:
• Disaster Recovery National Dislocated Worker Grants to Address the Opioid Crisis (due 1/11/2024)
Funded by HHS’ NIH.
Posted 2/15/2023 | Due 2/13/2024
This grant will support the maintenance of existing EECs and enrich and promote data management and sharing activities and collaboration to be inclusive of under-resourced minority-serving institutions and under-represented minority researchers, with the goal being to improve data collection on under-represented populations in environmental health studies, strengthen workforce diversity and promote greater scientific collaboration.
Future Scholars for STEM Workforce Development Programs
Funded by DoD.
Posted 6/17/2020 | Due 7/17/2025
This grant funds programs that improve the capacity of education systems and communities to create impactful STEM educational experiences for students and teachers and prepare the 21st century STEM workforce.
For more information and resources on funding opportunities or to contact a SEED representative, visit the SEED webpage.